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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Where Long Term Funds Park Their Money

25 July 2010

The Long Term Funds in US

The Investment Company Institution (ICI) keeps in touch with the Fund Managers (The Funds), their shareholders, directors and investment advisers regularly. They aim to facilitate the effective functioning of Funds under the U.S. legislative and regulatory framework. They keep and release the Funds' investment in local as well as in foreign countries. This article will aim to introduce ICI as well as to analyse the data they have collected for the information of the readers.

The Data Collections

The data collected by ICI can be found here in this PDF file.
The data tabulated out how much the Funds have invested in Foreign and Domestic equities as well as in bonds and other investment vehicles.

Graphical Plot
The following is a graphical plot of the data kept by ICI for Foreign and domestic equities.

(Doubleclick to enlarge)
The chart shows that the US Long Term Fund (LTF) has withdrawn about US$300 bln from the domestic equity market since January 2007. Lately, they withdrew a total of US$ 50 bln in May 2010 and June 2010. They increased their withdrawal and withdrew about US$ 7.0 bln in the first 2 weeks of July 2010. As for the Foreign Equity investment, LTF maintained their funds at around US$ 150 bln to US$ 200 bln during the periods shown.
Divergence Between Equities and Funds

There is a divergence between DOW and the US domestic funds as shown in the following graph. This graph illustrates that the US domestic equity Funds decreases as DOW increases in value during the period between March 2009 and April 2010. The LTF withdrew even more funds from the domestic equity market during period between April 2010 to present date.
(Doubleclick to enlarge)

Where LTF Parks their Money ?
To find out, please click here

LTF are buying bonds instead of equities ever since the last recession that started in 2007/2008. The pattern appears to have the tendency of repeating again.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Keeping Virus Away The Easy Way

Computer viruses often attack the Registry of the XP operating system, making computer going hire-wired; sometimes, it immobilizes the computer and make them hanged. Often, users just have to re-install a new copy of the XP operation system but one will have to re-install all the programs and all other stuffs in the computer. This article tells how one can restore the computer to its original condition when such viruses attacked.

What is Registry and How Viruses Can attack it?
Registry is a place where XP keeps all the information about the computer's hardware and software. It is being used by all the users including 3rd party hardware and software to find where data are stored in the harddisk. If a new program has just been installed or files added, it will update its record. Registy is the one place where it is most vulnerable to virus attacks. Once the viruses reside in the registry, they can be loaded into the computer memory. It will then take over the computer's operation. Sometimes, using normal methods just cannot get rid of these viruses.

What can we do to prevent virus attacks?
We can install virus protection software, firewalls, virus scanning software etc; however, this will never be able to keep all the viruses away. Some viruses have learning capabilities and may lock themselves such that it will prevent users or any virus software from detecting and deleting them.

However, we can do the following to prevent these viruses from attacking the computer:-

a) Regular maintenance. Scanning, detecting, preventing and deleting the existence of viruses using one or more of the following programs
1) Virus Shield, such as norton, trendmircro, Macfee shields etc
2) Spyware and Malware Scanner, such as Adaware
3) Hijackthis

Run these program once everyday or every other day. On detection of the viruses, scan the computer in full using Virus full scanning programs

b) Regularly saving a copy of the registry, booting files and other information so that one can restore them. There are a few alternatives

1. Registry Saving and Restoration
XP can save a copy of the registry automatically whenever there is a change in the registry such as after each installation of a new program. These registry files are installed in the "System Volume Information" folder.
When there is need to restore the registry or when virus attack the computer, one can restore the registry to the saved position. For instruction. follow this link.
Alternatively, one can save a copy of the registry manually by using the "export" function of the Registry Editor. To access the Registry Editor, click Start button and then in the dropdown box, enter "Regedit" (without quotes) and click ok.

2) Backup a copy of System State
This will save not only a copy of the Registry but also the booting files and the COM+ files. The complete system state for the restoration of the XP system. One would need a free disk space of about 600 MB.

Step 1: Backing Up

1. Make sure the computer is not infested with viruses by performing all the necessary virus or spyware scans available.
2. Click Start, then in the All program/Accessories/System Tool folder, select the Backup program and finally, reaching the following screen.

Select "Let me choose what to backup" and click Next. Now, expand My Computer folder and then select to put a tick in the "System state" folder as shown and click Next

Choose a place to store the backup files using Browse button and then enter a name for this backup file. It is good to store the backup file in a thumbdrive or RW CD or another harddisk so that it can be read and the backup file restored in case of harddisk failures. Note that the backup file can be more than 500 MB
Click Next

Select Advance button and Normal in dropdown box of the subsequent screens, one would reach the following screen to select the verification of file after backup. Tick the box and then Next. The computer will do the rest of job.

Step 2: Restoring the backup files
1. After having installed a new XP operating system in the existing harddisk and provided one has not erase or change any program or file, one can restore the XP system to its orginal condition
2. Following Step 1-2, then choose restore files and settings instead, one should reach the following screen. Browse to the directory of the backup file and doubleclick it, a new screen should show the folder "System State". Tick the box to select and click Next. Click advance in the next screen. Change the default setting if necessary.

NOTE: The backup program, NTBACKUP, is not installed by default in Windows XP Home Edition. Install it using the instructions available at: Q302894.

Select the System State check box

NOTE: If you want to back up your system settings as well as your data files, you should back up all the data on your computer plus the System State data, which includes such things as the registry, the COM+ class registration database, files under Windows File Protection, and boot files.

In the Backup destination list, click the backup destination that you want to use.

If you clicked File in the previous step, type the full path and file name that you want in the Backup media or file name box. Note that you can also specify a network share as a destination for the backup file. Click Start Backup . The Backup Job Information dialog box appears. Under If the media already contains backups, use one of the following steps:

If you want to append this backup to previous backups, click Append this backup to the media.
If you want to overwrite previous backups with this backup, click Replace the data on the media with this backup .
Click Advanced. Select the Verify data after backup check box.

In the Backup Type box, click the type of backup that you want. When you click a backup type, a description of that backup type is displayed under "Description." Click OK , and then click Start Backup . A Backup Progress dialog box appears, and the backup starts. When the backup is complete, click Close.

Important Note:
Viruses sometimes reside in the Registry and also the booting files. It is important to make sure that when one save a copy of the Registry or booting files, one does not save also the viruses. To make sure

a) Clean the computer before saving;
b) Always save new copies in different names;

c) Make a copy just after a reinstallation of the XP system

Enabling DVI Interface in LCD Monitor


LCD Monitors are cheap and commonly available nowadays. The latest ones come with DVI-D as well as the normal VGA connections for each monitor. When connected to the DVI-D, some do not get any signal. This article will describe why.

What is DVI and VGA?

These are video interfacing system between the device and the video equipment. DVI stands for Digital Video Interface whereas VGA stands for Video Graphic Adaptor; the former is a newer system. VGA are mainly used in the CRT and earlier models of LCD monitor. One can find more information about DVI system in here.

Which System is Better?

Many said that there is no appreciable differences between the two when comparing them in a monitor that has DVI as well as VGA inputs; however, when one compares them between monitor to monitor, one might find the differences. If your monitor has DVI inputs, it would better to use these inputs.

Why No Signal in DVI Inputs?

The computer's graphic card must have the DVI output for one to display the pictures in digital mode. Rightly speaking, when one connect up the DVI cable, one should have signal. There may be time that we test the LCD first with VGA cable and the computer installed the VGA drivers and when the LCD is re-connected to the DVI output and started up with the VGA cable disconnected, the LCD monitor cannot get the correct signal.

What to do Next?

Either reconnect the VGA cable or have both VGA and DVI cables connected to the LCD monitor before starting up the computer; thereafter,

  • Enter Device Manager by clicking Start button, then select run, in the dropdown box, enter "devmgmt.msc" (without quotes) and click ok.

  • In the Monitors folder, one should find some monitor drivers and a driver called "Plug and Play Monitor". Remove all the monitor drivers, left except the "Plug and Play Monitor". One can easily remove the drivers by right clicking and then either disable or uninstall the drivers.

  • Switch off the monitor and computer. Remove the VGA cable and install or left the DVI cable attached to the monitor.

  • Re-start the computer, one should boot up with signal

  • Install the DVI software as provided by the manufacturer. Check the Display property to ensure that the DVI software is properly installed.

Cannot find "Plug and Play Monitor"

Install the "Plug and Play" driver first before shutting down and re-starting the computer. This can be done by

  • doubleclicking the VGA driver and in the "Driver" tab,

  • select "Update Driver" and then

  • select "No, no this time", click next

  • select "install from a list or specific location", click next

  • select "Don't search, I will choose the driver to install" click next

  • finally, select "Plug and Play monitor" and click next to install .

Window 7 reinstallation problem


Windows 7 is fast and easy to use but many users said they have tried and go back to XP and they said Windows 7 was not stable. Some complained that program could not run or run even slower than XP after some usage. Reinstallation of these programs often failed. This article will describe a way to solve some of these problems.


One of the problems is the denial of access to change certain keys required by the programs in the Registry. After some period, the ownership or the permission of the Registry key has been changed for some reasons and the programs lost the privilege to access and change these keys for normal operation. The solution is to restore the ownership and permission of these keys.

How ?

a)Prepare to check which key was denied the access.

1. Download Process Monitor
2. Unzip and run ProcessMonitor.exe

3. In the “Filter” menu, select “Filter”

4. In the Architecture dropdown box, select “Result” and type in “ACCESS DENIED” in the box as shown

5. Click ok. The monitor is ready to capture any access denial case for study.

b) Run the faulty application or installation or any program at fault and check if there are Registry keys being denied access to change and note down this key and use “Regedit” to reclaim ownership or permission to change these keys.

What about multiple Registry Corrections?

When there is a lot of keys to reclaim ownership or permission, it may be necessary to reset the entire Registry to the defaulted ownership or permission.


1. Download SubInACL which is a program that enables administrators to obtain security information about files, registry keys, and services, and transfer this information from user to user, from local or global group to group, and from domain to domain.

2. Unzip and install SubInACL that will create a folder called “Windows Resource Kits” in the program files (x86) folder.

3. Start up “NotePad”. Copy and paste the following

subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /grant=administrators=f

subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CURRENT_USER /grant=administrators=f

subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /grant=administrators=f

subinacl /subdirectories %SystemDrive% /grant=administrators=f

subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /grant=system=f

subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CURRENT_USER /grant=system=f

subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /grant=system=f

subinacl /subdirectories %SystemDrive% /grant=system=f

4. Save NotePad file as “Reset.cmd” in the “Windows Resource Kits/tools” folder.

5. In the box of the Windows Startup Button, enter “cmd” (without quotes) and rightclick “cmd.exe” when the file appears at the top and select to run as Administor.

6. Type in “cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Resource Kits\Tools” at the prompt and then “reset.cmd”

7. The program will run for about 3 minutes to change all the ownership and permission of the entire keys in the Registry to the default value

Gigabyte MotherBoard Not Detecting GT730 GPU

09 February 2025 It will be frustrating when one has just built or upgraded the PC with a new motherboard just to find that the motherboard ...