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Showing posts with label Electricity & Energy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Electricity & Energy. Show all posts

Saturday, December 25, 2021

How Expensive is Singapore's Electricity Price?

25 December 2021

Singapore has deregulated its electricity market.  Its people are buying electricity from the electricity market.  The price will vary according to the electricity plans chosen;  however,  most plans will centre around and be slightly lower than the regulated price.  The defaulted power supply retailer is SP Group.     

Singapore's regulated rate will change once every 3 months or quarterly.   It is worked out based on the past market price using a complex formula which not many people cannot understand.  Here is  a chart from SP Group indicating the prices for various quarters since 2020

How is it compared to other countries?

1)  Among the popular countries


2)  Among Most Expensive Countries

3)  Among the ASEAN Countries

4)  Among Most Popular Countries

Other Related Articles

Thursday, December 23, 2021

What are the Causes of Present Inflation?

23 December 2021

According to a study done by Dennis Bonam,  a Scientist from Netherland,   there was never a case of inflation caused by any kind of Pandemic for the past 700 years since the year 1313.  Most past pandemics always occurred just after the rise of the inflation hike as shown red in the attached map

In the attempt to explain the present inflation which occurred recently,   the Scientist said the present inflation could have been caused by the changes in the fiscal and monetary policies implemented by various countries to prop up their economies.  

Where are the Evidences?

The following chart clearly shows that the Netherland Scientist is not wrong because the monetary policy in the US has made an obvious  "jump" in the US's M2 money supply.  This money that has flowed into the community is suspected to have caused the present inflation in the US and to some extent, the EU areas.  

What are the Areas causing the inflation?

The Analysts in Investopedia have singled out 2 areas i.e Energy & Food.  Investopedia said the US motorists are paying 6.1% more at the gas pump in October and fuel oil prices soaring 12.3%.  The energy rise could drive up transport costs and this would in terms cause the food price to go up in the US.   

But the EU people are not as lucky,  their natural price rose 5 times in the last 6 months as shown in the following chart.  

This rise in natural gas has caused their electricity price to go at about the same proportion because most of their power generation uses natural gas.   The Asian regions are not spared.  This is because the Asians are getting the natural supply from the same sources as the Europeans.

One can therefore say that the inflation in the US might be "sparked" by the pandemic but one cannot say exactly the same for the EU and the Asian regions.  The monetary tapering and interest rate cutting might have a lesser effect on them.

What causes the Natural Gas to surge? 

Russia, one of Europe's biggest natural gas providers, has been accused of intentionally withholding supplies. But President Putin of Russia has denied Russia being the cause.  He blamed the European countries for not doing their homework to increase their storage capacity. 

So far,  no one has discussed China being responsible although China has banned the import of Australian coal in October 2020.  They are now drawing much more natural gas supply from Russian and the US.  Today, they are the largest importer of natural gas in the World 

This article has deliberated quite a lot about how and who could be 
responsible for the demand and supply problem in the European areas.

In Conclusion

The present pandemic could have "sparked" the inflation in the US causing the energy and food prices to rise;  however,  one could not say the same for the cause of inflation in the EU and Asian regions.  It is envisaged that this inflation problem happening in EU and Asian regions will not be get resolved unless some countries like China can reduce their demands or Russia and the US can increase the supply of natural gas.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Advanced Digital Electricity or Smart Meters can save Money?

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1) Update: 23 December 2021:- Worth taking up such a plan now?

21 December 2021

So your electricity market has been deregulated and you can take up an electricity plan to buy electricity from the market.   Have you ever considered taking up an electricity plan that can save money by using electricity wisely?  This article will tell you how.  


Step 1:  Change the conventional mechanical electricity meter to the Advanced Digital Electricity Meter.  Different countries name this meter with different names.  Some call it a Smart Meter;  in Singapore,  they call it Advanced Metering Infrastructure(AMI) for some reasons.

There might be an installation cost of a nominal amount.   Some Power companies or retailers might charge also a small monthly fee for the use of digital lines to transmit and record the usage of the electricity.  

Step 2:   Take up an electricity plan from an electricity retailer and specifically request to "buy" electricity measured in terms of time intervals such as every half an hour.  This is because most electricity plans are fixed-rate plans or tariff discount plans.  They do not have such time-interval measurements.    So far,  there are one or two retailers in Singapore that can provide such a plan.   It is the Singapore Power's Wholesale electricity plan or SPWS and the Keppel's Knight plan.   

How to use Electricity Smartly?

It is always easier said than done.  Simply say,  it is how we can change our habits of using electricity by avoiding using electricity when the price is high.    

How Does it work? 

In the electricity market,  the Generating companies generate and sell electricity to the market in terms of a time period which is usually 1/2 an hour.   

The generating companies will always have varying generation operating costs.  They would sell electricity at a high rate during the "peak hours" when everyone is using the electricity.  Therefore,  if one can avoid using electricity during these "peak hours",   one will be able to save money.

Why I must change my mechanical meter?

The mechanical meters are just measuring how much one has used electricity,  It cannot tell when the amount of electricity was used.  There is no way for the electricity retailer to work out electricity usage in terms of the time intervals. They can only work out one's electricity usage based on a load profile provided by the regulatory authority. 

How much can I save?

If one can avoid using high-power appliances during "peak"  hours,  one will be able to save 30 to 40%  of the electricity bills as shown in the following table.    

How to check how much was used?

The electricity metering companies will usually provide some means for consumers to check their electricity usage.  In Singapore,  one can check electricity consumption through a phone app.  

In other countries,  they might provide some other tools such as the "in-home display unit"

Where to find more information about the meter?

The Grid company or electricity metering company will always have the information where one can find more;  for example, this is a pdf presented by Singapore's SP Power.   Here is a good video from CNA.

One can also find information about the smart meter from this Wikipedia.

How do we go about saving money?

Before taking up such a plan to save money,  one should do some detailed planning to find out how much one could save. To do that,  one could an Excel sheet and the electricity price information given by the supply authorities as shown below to work out a strategic plan as to when is the best time to use what kind of appliances.

One can also use electric timers to switch on and off freezers and refrigerators,  preventing them from starting frequently during peak hours.   One could even go to the extreme of exploring various other options such as using high-power rechargeable battery packs and auto-switching equipment in order to use electricity only during "off-peak" hours.   

Dry runs

Although it is not too difficult to switch electricity retailers or switch to a new retail electricity plan,  one might want to do a dry run before taking the electricity plan.  One can either request for the Advanced Digital Electricity meter to be installed to carry out the dry run.  The alternative is to install self-installed energy monitors that are available commercially at around SGD50/=.


There is no way we can change how they charge the electricity but we can control the way we use electricity.  We can replace our mechanical electricity meter with an advanced digital meter and take up an electricity plan that will allow us to use the cheaper electricity during "off-peak" hours.   

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Update:  23 December 2021

Is it really worth taking up such plan?

Presently,  there is a natural gas supply problem happening in Europe.  This problem has caused electricity prices in European and Asian countries to go sky-high.   The rate between Wholesale electricity price and another price such as the regulated price has widened,  making it not worth the while to take up a Wholesale plan that one can make use of an Advanced Metering system to save money.  The details have been discussed in these two articles

a)  Why the WholeSale Electricity Rate is so high?  
b)  Why this Global Energy Price Hike?

Friday, December 3, 2021

Why this Global Energy Price Hike?

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1) Update: 11 December 2021:US exports more LNG
2) Update: 17 December 2021: Asian LNG price jumped 21.1%
3) Update: 20 December 2021:US LNG Diverted to Europe
4) Update: 24 December 2021:China is Biggest LNG Importer

3 December 2021

There is always this rise in energy price during the winter months because the energy demand will be high especially when there is a colder winter expected.   In these months from November to March,  the energy price could fluctuate between 10% to about 50% in the past depending on how cold will be the weather and how long they will have to run the heating system during the winter months.  

But what happened this year?  Why our energy price has gone up so high,  some more than 500%?  This article will try to find out the answers.

What has happened?

This year,   the energy price has gone crazy.  Natural gas prices in  Asia went up by about 5 times or 500% compared to last year and the Crude oil price was also up by 60%.   The US's natural gas price is also not spared.  It went up by about 120%,  not as high as Asia and UK for some reasons.  But it lost about 100% in the last 3 months as shown in the following chart.  

double-click to enlarge the picture

The rise in crude oil price and natural gas price in the US could be caused partly by the prediction ahead of the extremely cold winter months.  It could be also partly influenced by higher gas prices in Europe and Asia.   But the European and Asian 500% jump in gas price has just gone crazy.  It is definitely due to other reasons besides the colder winter.  But what are these reasons?

Why so very high? 
There was speculation about the Russian was behind this crazy pricing.  There was also a strong view that the higher demand was caused by countries going for clean air,   converting all power generation to natural gas firing.   Another guess was about China turning to Russian gas for the supply of natural gas to supplement the power shortage happening in recent months.  There were reports that China had been shoring up natural gas supplies.

Russia Denied being the Cause

On the other hand,  the Western World is pointing out that China has stepped up its effort to buy natural gas at record level through the Russian pipelines in the North.   There were instructions
"asking its top National oil and gas companies in China to step up procurement, shifting its LNG purchase strategy away from volatile spot markets and boosting the supply of alternative generation fuels like coal in the winter months.".   The record-breaking buying saw China nearly doubled its gas imports from Russia from about 2.3 M mt of oil equivalent in July/August 2020 to 3.7 M mt in July/August 2021.  They import went up to This instruction came amidst China was facing severe power shortages,  causing frequent power supply cuts after having banned the imports of the Australian Coking coals earlier in the year.  China's natural gas consumption is about 370 Bcm in 2021. This consumption is almost equal to the consumption of the whole of Europe. 

As such,  the World,  especially the European countries,  must have been caught by the sudden increase in China's natural gas demand.   They might not have the time to increase their storage capacity to tie over the period.

Will the Natural Gas Crisis go away?

It is not a matter of when the natural gas crisis will go away but just a matter of when.  This is because "the world has proven reserves equivalent to 52.3 times its annual consumption. This means it still has about 52 years of gas left".

The Natural Gas crisis started by China and it will end by China.  China started increasing its import of natural gas from Russia in August 2020.  It has almost doubled its supply in a year.  This Russian article suggested that Russian is expected to supply 10 Bcm or 9.0 million mt to China in 2021. 

Because the Asian Natural Gas price is nearly 5 times that of the US,  there was an afford made by various Chinese conglomerates like CNOOC,  Sinopec &  other agents to buy LNG from the US at record-breaking levelsThis is despite the import ban of the US LNG after the trade war in 2019.    The test mode of bringing the US gas shall start end of 2021 and if successful,  the gas supply should flow by the first quarter of 2022.  

The following animated chart illustrates and expected the natural price hike to ease very soon if China can start importing natural gas from the US.

As for the very cold winter predicted earlier,  the authorities are now questioning the whereabouts as they have recorded mild weather patterns in November.  The World Metrological Organisation (WMO) has this forecasting model.  It worked out in November for many parts of the World including China and produced this chart.  The chart shows only the pacific ocean areas have some spots of surface air temperature lower than normal temperatures.  They predicted widespread warmer-than-average sea surfaces & air temperatures for December–February 2021-2022. 

In Conclusion

The spike in natural gas supply in Europe and Asia is likely to be caused by the sudden demand in China as they doubled their pumping volume recently.  This has made the price of natural gas gone sky high as China now turned to buy natural gas from the US.  We should see energy prices being tamed as soon as China has solved its energy problem hopefully by the first quarter of 2022. So far,  there are already report about Asian LNG price has fallen because China has muted its import.  This move has also caused Russia to increase its gas supply to European countries.

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Update:  11 December 2021

a)  US Export more LNG

The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) reported that the US's weekly LNG export increased by about 13% or 0.283 BCM (10 bn ft3) from 2.37 BCM (84 bn ft3) on 1 December to 2.69 BCM (9.5 bn ft3) on 8 December.     EIA said the US's LNG export rate would be increased by  20% from 2.69 BCM(9.5 bn ft3) by the end of Nov 2021 to 3.23 BCM(11.4bn ft3/d) by end of 2022.   It also expected the US's LNG export rate to increase by 72%  by 2024 to about 4.61 BCM/d(16.3bn ft3/d).  This 4.61  BCM/d  in 2024 will be more than enough to supply 70% of China's NG daily consumption which is around 6.34 BCM/d for 1.4 billion or 16 cubic feet per capita per day.   It is likely also that the EIA's expectation to increase LNG export by 20% in 2022 might help to solve the supply problem now happening in Europe and Asia.

b)  Putin ordered to increase NG Supply to Europe

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Update:  17 December 2021

Asian LNG price rises due to supply concerns in Europe.  The Asian LNG price for February rose to $43.35 per metric million British thermal units (mmBtu), up 21.1% from $35,8 from the previous week.

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Update:  20 December 2021

Although the Chinese were buying the US LNG,  it is unlikely to see the LNG price in the Asian region easing soon.  This is because they are re-shipping & diverting the US LNG shipment from Asia to Europe for better selling prices.


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China Surpassed Japan as World’s Biggest LNG Importer Through October.  China became the world’s largest liquefied natural gas (LNG) importer during the first 10 months of 2021, according to data from government agencies. 

Monday, November 1, 2021

Why the Electricity Prices & WholeSale Electricity Rates are so high?

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1) Update: 18 December 2021    New Energy Prices
2) Update: 25 December 2021   LNG Crisis Eased.
3) Update: 25 December 2021  New Tariff likely to be much higher.
4) Update: 30 December 2021  New Tariff for 1st Qrt 2022.

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1 November 2021

Updated 2nd December 2021


There is a price hike in LNG  recently due to a global supply and demand issue.  This has caused the oil price to rise slightly.  According to EMA,  the Electricity price in Singapore should always track the oil price but this was not the case recently since 4 October 2021.  Singapore's wholesale electricity price has gone up by about 5 times whereas oil price hardly has any increase.  This article will try to find out why.  It also discusses how best we can "invest" in this turbulent electricity market.

"Invest" in Electricity Market?

Some will ask,  "I am on electricity fixed rates,  what electricity market are you talking about?". The answer is,  irrespective of whether we are on fixed-rate,  monthly-rate, or otherwise,  we are always inside the electricity markets so long as the country has de-regularised the electricity business and we are having an open electricity market.  Electricity supply on fixed-rate,  monthly-rate is just the type of electricity packages in the electricity market.  We must always know how the oil price or natural gas price is affecting us.   

Oil Price?

Again,  some will say,  "We are using mainly natural gas,  will oil price matter?"

In some countries like the US,  oil prices and gas prices are separately fixed by different markets.  They might have different prices.  Even in Asia,  we also have different pricing for LNG.    However,  in many other countries, like Singapore,  gas price is often pegged to oil price for some reasons  The gas prices used for generating power in the latter will fluctuate with the oil price.  Therefore,  the open market electricity price in these countries will fluctuate as much as the oil price depending on the supply and demand.

What Supply and Demand?

In an open electricity market,  the electricity price is always determined by a market called "The electricity market".  This market,  regulated by the local Electricity Authority will have the generating companies supplying and selling the electricity and the big consumers like the Municipal Electricity Board and the big electricity consumers,  bidding and buying the electricity.  Because the market is so small with a few players,  the market,  unlike the usual stock market,  will have special rules to encourage pricing competition (see Appendix2).  One thing is for sure,  the price will fluctuate wildly at times especially when demand outstrips the supply.

What we will have to do?

Whether or not we are on fixed-rate or wholesale rates quoted by electricity retailers or Municipal Electricity Board,  the price would be affected by the electricity market unless we are buying electricity at the usual regulated price.   We must always assess the oil or gas price before we buy electricity.  This is because energy price is always the biggest component in any electricity pricing.


Oil or gas Futures prices either at the US's Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) or local stock market will always determine and affect the energy price.   Some Asian countries might have energy prices indexed with the Asian LNG market depending on the energy policy.   One must know how the energy price will move.  This is essential if one really wants to judge whether to enter the electricity market on a fixed price or wholesale price or just stick with the regulated electricity price.   There are also other things to watch out for.  

It will be riskier to jump to a conclusion just because one electricity supplier can supply the cheapest price for some reason.  If that is the case, it would be better for one to stick to the usual regulated electricity price.  The electricity market is not for us.


The Electricity Market,  in one way or another,  works like a stock market except it is heavily regulated.  Unless one is familiar with a stock movement,  their business background, etc,   one would not buy the stock of that company just because it has the cheapest price in the market.  Similarly, an electricity retailer can go burst,  applying the unfavorable terms in the contracts and selling us electricity at an unreasonable price without the blessing of the regulating bodies.  It is then left to ourselves versus the electricity retailer to settle the problem. The regulator might be acting just as the Arbitrator if the retailer did not break any rules. 

Then How?

The following can be used as reference:

1)  Shortlist the electricity suppliers in terms of their business background to assess if they are trustworthy and can remain in business within the contract period;

2)  Find out which among the shortlisted can supply you the electricity at the cheapest and cost-effective rate.  Some will have special offers that are better than others;

3)  As to whether to take up long term or short-term contract or just a % discount from the usual regulated price,   one will have to assess what energy price will be likely within the contract period.   If one expects the energy price to go up and up,  then it will be good to sign a long-term contract;  otherwise,  just sign a short-term one or even take up the % discount or just the usual regulated price;  then,  wait for the energy price to drop to the bottom before signing up for a long-term contract. 

What is the Energy Price Now in Singapore?

a)  The Brief

The electricity price in Singapore is always fixed by the EMA's Electricity Market.   Gencos,  the generating companies,   will offer every half-hour to sell the electricity into the spot market.  Rightly speaking, large electricity consumers, electricity retailers will bid or buy the electricity.  Presently,  there is no consumer bidding per se in the market.  The Power System Operator (PSO), governed by EMA, will provide the demand load for each period based on the collected information.  The power generating companies (Gencos) will then offer their selling price based on these demand load and their operating cost of which,  energy price will be the main component.  

90% of Singapore's power generation is using natural gas.  In the past,  Singapore's natural gas for power generation are imported through piped gas from Indonesia.  That gas price is pegged to oil price according to the supply agreement until 2023 (see reference 4).  LNG began to supply in 2013. Because of this,  there was this speculation about the Gencos in Singapore are using LNG prices when they offer their selling prices in the EMA's Electricity Market.

Singapore used to have an LNG Futures Market in SGX Exchange Board that supposes to fix the price of LNG but now it has been replaced by the Electricity Future's Market.   The LNG  price in Asia is now fixed by the  LNG Japan/Korea Marker PLATTS Future - (JKM). 

Anyway,  EMA believes that the natural gas price that is used for power generation is still pegged or indexed to the oil price.  EMA claimed that "This is the market practice in Asia for natural gas contracts".    Therefore,  this article will be using only oil price and SGX electricity future price as guides to assess the future energy prices in Singapore.

If the price is not pegged to the oil price,  the trend would be a lot different in the energy pricing today because there is a global demand and supply issue presently lingering around the natural gas pricing.  More countries are converting their coal or oil-fired to natural gas-fired power plants & also,  there is a natural gas supply shortage globally.


b)  SGX Electricity Future (Chart to be updated regularly)

From the December 2021 Contracts and the Contracts beyond,  it would appear that the electricity price has gone over the peak of 522 on October 14.  It is around 356 on Nov 25 and is slowing dropping towards 185  for the December 2022 contracts.   It is likely the trend of the electricity price is falling going forward.  Note that this chart will be updated regularly.

c)  Oil Price Future (chart updated on 2 Dec 2020)

If EMA is correct that the natural gas is pegged to the oil price,  then it would be better for us to view the energy price using the oil price chart. 

The Situation on 2 December 2021

The Technical Analysis of the oil price chart indicates that the price has dropped about 19% since Friday, November 26 when the market was spooked by the fear of a new Covid variant,  called Omicron, emerging from South Africa.  

The oil price now rests on the upper trendline of a falling wedge that has been trapping the oil price since 2008.   The oil price will make attempt to recover from this point.   If it is not successful,  we shall see a bearish oil price pattern falling toward USD50/= which is around the breakeven price of a new oil project today in the US.  

Note:  Please note that the scale of the chart is in months,  the analysis assumes that it will take weeks or months for any price movement.  

The WSJ Market 

The Crude Oil Contracts (CL1 @ NYMEX) in the WSJ Market is showing a declining trend for the various future contracts. The price trend is shown attached.  The chart predicted that oil price is likely to fall in the future months.

Why is Singapore Wholesale Price still rising?

The recent readings of the electricity price in Singapore have no sign of falling despite an 18% fall in oil prices.   The following chart is showing that the Electricity price in Singapore is not tracking the oil price;  instead,  it is trying to follow the LNG price trend.    

The chart shows that LNG spiked by 4.5 times and the Electricity price went up by about 3.5 times since March 15,  2021.   Before August 2021,  the Electricity price was tracking oil price nicely.  This is not what EMA has been saying about the natural gas used for power generation being indexed or pegged to the oil price.  


The sudden rate jump in those taken up wholesale electricity prices is reflecting the open electricity market prices.  It will go up and down according to the energy price because energy is the biggest component in power generation.  One should always get out of the wholesale market,  either taking up the regulated electricity price or other electricity price plans at the moment.  Which plan to take next will depend much on the Future pricing and trending of the energy price. 

Should natural gas used for power generation be indexed to the oil price as what EMA has indicated,   the Electricity Future Price should have tracked the oil price and started to fall.   It would appear there is some confusion in the Electricity market that will require the attention of EMA.   They should investigate why the electricity price in Singapore was not tracking the oil price.    

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Update: 18 December 2021

1) SGX Electricity Futures

The electricity futures hasn't yet responded to the hike in Asian LNG prices on 16 December.   The next few days will see if the hike in LNG price will make any difference.  The price has risen slightly from $356 per unit @ 27  November to the present price of $465 per unit

b)  Nymex Crude Oil Price

The Nymex crude oil price has slid again to hit USD70/=.  But it has reflected from the trendline as shown in the attached.  Until the price drop below the trendline,  it would be hard to tell its exact direction.

c)  Asian LNG Price

The Asian LNG price has broken the rising wedge that has trapped the LNG price since early 2021.   The trend is very bullish bearing unforeseen circumstances.

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Update: 25 December 2021

LNG Crisis in EU and Asian Region eased.

The Asian LNG took a plunge on 23 December when the price tumbled over 16% to fall from a height of $24/= on 21 December.  The combined effect of Russian increasing natural gas output, China buying gas from the US, and US merchants diverting gas to Europe could have caused this drastic drop in price.   

Technically speaking,  the gas price is falling back into the bearish rising wedge.   Barring unforeseen circumstances,  one could say the natural gas crisis in the EU and Asian regions has been eased.  It is back on track to where it was before;  hopefully,  the breaking down of the bearish rising wedge will cause the gas price to ease further. 

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Update: 25 December 2021

New Tariff for Next Quarter likely to be much higher. 

The electricity futures has stubbornly stayed above 460 and would not want to come down especially after the LNG price spiked over 20% earlier in the week.   The futures price for December 22 went up more than 25% from 180 a week ago to 226 today.  We expect the regulated tariff for the next quarter in 2022 to be adjusted upwards.    This announcement is likely to be made within this week.  This higher regulated tariff might prompt the other electricity retailers to adjust their price plans to follow suit.

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Update: 30 December 2021

The SP group announced today that Singapore's regulated electricity tariff for the first quarter of 2022 will increase by 5.6 per cent.  This increase of 1.33 cents per kWh from last quarter is the fourth consecutive quarterly increase since January 2021 as shown by this chart.  The new electricity tariff is closely tracking the price of oil price.

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