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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Xiaomi TVs and Box; Changing the Default Video Player

13 February 2018


When playing some western movies or displaying some advertisement,  the Xioami device will act strangely.   Sometimes without any warning,  announcement or displaying any message,  Xiaomi will hang or re-start or just freeze totally.  The only recourse is to power  off the device and reboot to restore.  Sometimes,  a reset in the recovery mode would  be required.


Xiaomi TVs,  boxes and even handphones  have their own Xioami Video Players for some reasons.  After some testings and observation,  it is found that when Xiaomi device is playing video or displaying picture of other formats that cannot be accepted by Xiaomi's defaulted  video player,  it will react strangely.

What are the Support Format of Xiaomi?

Hence,  the Xiaomi Device will just hanged,  reset or just stop playing altogether if there is video with other format.

What is the Solution?

Change the Default Video Player

How and What’re needed?

  1. One will need
a)      Default App Manager Lite 2.4 (download from here or from here)

b)      All Format Video Player (download from here  or from here)

c)    Other players such as MXPlayer, VLC, xPlayer   and also MXPlayer Codec

            Note that video players like MX players,  Youtube's html5 players etc may not have all    the  necessary formats.  also the All Format Video Player many not necessary all all the formats.

  1. Install the 2 APKs and open up the Default App Manager first,  one will reach the following screen.   Navigate and select “Video”

  1. In the following screen,  select “Video Player”. Note that it is the "All Format Video Player" Ignore any error thereafter.

   4.  Make sure one has selected "Always" when this screen appears

   5.  One successful setting,  one should find a green tick sign at the right hand side of the defaulted app as shown

   5.  Restart by rebooting the TV or box

   6.  You are set to play almost any movie or advertisement that contains different formats.  .

Other Articles About Xiaomi TV or Box 

Can be found here

Friday, February 9, 2018

How To Skip the Advertisement in XiaoMi TV/Box Without Rooting or Apps

UPDATE : 17 March 2018

If  one needs to block the other advertisements not found in the list,  one can try this method described here

9 Feb 2018
tinyurl :


Xiaomi  TV or TV box has a 30 seconds time slot for advertisement and everyone is made to watch the advertisement.  There are a few ways to cut this unwanted advertisement.  This article introduce one of the easier way.

Note:  1.  Tested working in sets imported directly from China;
           2.  Works only for those ASUS or routers that has web history function


When the TV is first switched on,  Xiaomi TV is programmed to  download  the advertisement or files from one or more of the  URL addresses to display the advertisements.  These URL addresses are

All one has to do is to set our home router to filter and block these URL addresses so that the TV will no longer be able to download these advertisement or files.

Other Methods

There are many advertisement blocking software available but they will  not work for skipping Xiaomi's advertisement during start up.  Moreover,  this type of software might contain information stealing Malware or Trojan or even harmful element.

How to Set Up the Router?

The following method is for ASUS RT AC56S but almost every router will have similar facility to block the unwanted URL addresses;

  1. Type in the URL address of the router in any browser.   The router address is defaulted to be unless one has it changed before
  2. After entering the administrator's name and password,  the following screen will appear

      3.  Select “Fire wall”,  one will go into the firewall section
  1. Select the URL filter tab on the top and  then
a)      Enable the URL filter;
b)      Enter the URL addresses of the advertisement as stated above
  1. After typing or copying and pasting the various URL addresses,  press “Apply” and close the browser. 
      6.  You are set to have an advertisement free Xiaomi TV.
     Note:  One may have to 

    a) Reboot the router;
    b) Clean the cache and the files stored in the TV's memory using  Xiaomi's or Shafa's deep clean features;

    If necessary,  unplug the TV and allow it to rest for 20 seconds to discharge all its memory before putting the plug back on.

    tinyurl :

    Other Articles About Xiaomi TV or Box 

    Can be found here

      Thursday, February 8, 2018

      Xiaomi TV4 : Hanged up at the First Wall Paper Screen

      8 February 2018


      Xiaomi TV4 restarted suddenly when browsing using Google Chrome or when trying to play certain foreign movies.   Sometimes,  the TV can restart itself  smoothly but sometimes,   the TV might just stuck at the first Wall paper Screen,  refusing to move further.  This article propose a method where one can resolve this  problem.

      Why Xiaomi TV Restarted?

      There is no explanation or warning.   But many observations suggest that Xiaomi TV does not like the default video players specified by the foreign movies.  May be such action triggered certain hardware interrupts that cause the TV to restart or hang up. The other possibility is that we have downloaded/uploaded too many apps and some of these apps are not friendly to Xiaomi TV's OS.

      What to do Next?

      When the TV has a hangup,  it will not respond the the remote controller nor the white start/stop button underneath the TV screen.    The only recourse is to pull the  TV’s power plug.   Sometimes,  the stubborn hang up just refuse to go away.  Fortunately,  Xiaomi TV has a recovery mode in which one can do a hard reset.

      How to do a Hard Reset?

      1. Pull the power plug off the TV and wait for about 20 seconds
      2. Push and hold the the “confirm” and “Restore” buttons at the same and plug back the power supply;
      4. The TV will try to start.   If it does not,   press the white big button just underneath the logo "Mi" in the center of  the TV screen with the other hand or get someone to help; 
      5.  The TV will go into recovery mode with the following screen appearing.  Quickly release the "confirm" button first and then the "Restore" button when this recovery screen appears.

      1. Select “Wipe Cache” to wipe and clean the caches stored in the memory and then select “Reboot”.  Note that sometimes,  a rebooting will already solve the stubborn hang up without clearing the caches;
      2. If the TV again refuse to restart normally,   repeat 1 to 5 and select also “wipe user data”.   
      3. Note that there may be a need to pair the remote controller after the restoration. 

       Note:  it is not advisable perform  "Wipe All Data" especially when one has rooted the TV before.
      This will also clear the newly installed APKs that is not native to the TV.  Make sure one has a copy of the installed APK for restoration.

      Tuesday, February 6, 2018

      The Power of Bollinger Band


      Many Analysts use simple moving average indicators to trend stocks and indexes; but not many use Bollinger Band indicator in their presentation for some reasons. This article intend to introduce Bollinger Band as one of the important indicators that a trader must always master.

      What is Bollinger Band Indicator?

      Bollinger Band is actually a derivative of moving average indicator. Instead of just plotting a simple moving average (usually 20-day), it also plots the upper and lower values of the moving average which is two standard deviations away from the simple moving average as shown in the attached graph.

      What is a Standard Deviation?

      It is a mathematical expression to express the deviation of the values from a mean average. The explanation could be complex but in simple term, standard deviation is just a mathematical tool that can be used to tell what is normal, and what is extra high or extra low of the historic stock price or index. In the above example, the normal 20-day index of STI is ......, the extra high index is .... and the extra low index is ... on 20 Jan 2009.

      What the use of Bollinger Band?

      Traders often use Bollinger Band to track the movement of the stock or index. This is because it can foretell the extra high and extra low prices based on past historically prices.

      Sunday, February 4, 2018

      The Xiaomi’s Sacred Screen Controller (投屏神器)

       4 February 2018


      The Xiaomi’s original TV remote controller is simple. It consists of only a few components. But it lacks a “mouse” control which makes it harder to navigate especially in web browser like Google Chrome or other western software that are designed to be used with a mouse.
      The article will explore how to use a special Xiaomi software called the Sacred Screen Controller (投屏神器) to overcome these shortcomings.  The software is also called Xiaomi TV Assistant.

      What will be needed? 

       1. A smart phone (IOS or andriod)
       2. A Xiaomi software called 投屏神器
       3. A shared wireless network or router that is connected to the smart phone and the TV

      What is the Use? 

      One can use the smart phone to:
      1. Project photos, send videos and Apps to the TV;
      2. Act as a smart remote controller;
      3. Capture the TV screen (doing a screenshot)

      How To Setup?

       1. Download the APK or Apps from the Apple Apps store or Google playstores (or from here)  and run it;
       2. In the following screen and at the bottom, press the bar “请先连接设备”.

      The software will search for all the Xiaomi devices connected to the same wireless network and present to you a list of devices found; alternatively, one can enter the IP address manually to complete the connection.

      What is inside ? 

      Basically, there are 4 main categories: namely

      1. The Treasure Box

      This is where one can do the setup, using smart phone as a remote controller. There is also “mouse controller” inside for easy navigation

      2. The Video

      One can select the various video available in the smart phone and send the video to the TV for screening

      3. The ScreenShot

      Allow the various recorded screen shots to be projected onto the screen,

      4. The Apps 

      One can upload the various selected Apps onto the TV.

      What is so Special?

      Generally,  one can get all the functions from either the handheld controller or from an external mouse that is connected to the USB port except the following:-

      1. The ScreenShot or Screen Sharing

      By pressing the Screenshot button, one can immediately capture a picture from the TV screen at ease and save it to the smartphone's photo pages.

      2. Local Video Screening

      At the press of the button, a list of stored video in the photo will be present on the phone for your selection to be projected onto the TV screen

      3. Screen Projection
      This is where one can project all the photos taken by the phone for sharing with the family on the TV screen

      Other Articles About Xiaomi TV or Box 

      Can be found here
      tinyurl :


      1. Backup APKs in Xiaomi TV
      2. Install Youtube and Google Chrome in Xiaomi TV without rooting
      3. Xiaomi TV:  Factory Reset and Recovery
      4. Xiaomi TV:  To root or not to root

      Saturday, February 3, 2018

      Xiaomi TV: To Root or Not To Root

      3 February 2018


      This is always a frequently asked question.  This article will attempt to give some answers but the decision to root or not should rest with the users  

      What is Rooting? 

       It is actually a jargon term used for “Jail Breaking”.  It is a term used to describe the removal of the   restrictions often installed in smart device for some reasons. Take Xiaomi TV for example, the manufacturer is forcing every user to watch a 20-second advertisement whenever one starts up the TV.   Because of this,  some users went "rooting".    There are also others who want to remove the restrictions so that they can watch free movies.

      How To Root?

      Rooting involves a change in the software stored inside the Read Only Memory (ROM).  This ROM is actually non-volatile flash memory microchip that one can program and re-program to control  the operation of smart devices.  It contains the operating system (OS) and the manufacturers usually do not recommend one to modify and change the software in the ROM.

      What are the Main Advantage of Rooting? 

      For Xiaomi TV, besides having the ability to remove the 20 seconds advertisement at TV start up, one will be able

      a) to move some software to the external memory devices like SDcards or hard disks, freeing the system memory for better performance;
      b) to release the restrictions so that some restricted Apps can be installed;
      c) to have freedom to modify the ROM allowing the TV to perform as you like them to perform .

      What are the Main Disadvantage of Rooting? 

      a) There is always a risk that that rooting might go wrong, making the TV unusable; 
      b) Even after successful rooting, there is no guarantee that  TV might not be able to run the way you wanted them to run;  
      c) There is no software support for the operating system after rooting;
      d) There was report that 90% of  Xiaomi TVs failed to work properly after the TV was upgraded with to the latest OS released by the Xiaomi and there were no recourse to restore the OS unless one has a copy of the original factory firmware to "unroot" the TV;   

      To Root or Not to Root? 

      In the early stage before 2016, Xiaomi TVs cannot play Youtube Videos and also run Google Chrome.  Then,  there was an urge for users, particularly, those resided overseas, wanting to root their TVs.  However, Google has now made Youtube and Google Chrome playable on Xiaomi TVs, thus  this urge to root the TV has died down. Very likely that users will have a hard time finding suitable rooting software that could work well in the new models.

       In view of the above, it is advisable not to root the Xiaomi TV but to wait until the manufacturer can improve its operating system if the TV cannot meet the user’s requirement.

       Working Around

      Remember that if there is a restriction,  there is always a possibility that someone, somewhere will find a workaround and share with the communities on how to overcome the restriction. The worse come to the worse, one can always install an external TV box and uses HDMI input to overcome these restrictions. Although this method is crude, it is one easy way to solve the problem than to root the TV.

      Other Articles About Xiaomi TV or Box 

      Can be found here

      tinyurl :

      Xiaomi TV: Factory Reset, Recovery & New TV

      3 February 2018
      1. The Soft Reset
      2. The Hard Reset
      3. Factory Reset for New Xiaomi TV


       There are times that one will have to reset the Xiaomi TV to its factory default settings, particularly after one has installed too many APKs, clogging up the system memory, making the TV to perform in a strange manner.  This factory reset may be required for new Xiaomi TV in order for the remote controller to be  used.

       This article will try to describe how one can reset the Xiaomi TV to its factory settings.

      Whats Needed? 

      Only the TV controller is needed

      Where are the Controls for Resetting? 

      There are 2 factory resetting controls

         a  Soft Reset
         b. Hard Reset

      back to top
      1. The Soft Reset 

      The Soft Reset could be found by clicking the “setting” Apps  in the Apps Store; after that, select “General Settings” to reveal the “Factory Reset” option as shown.  This example is for Xiaomi TV4.  Other Xiaomi TV sets may be different and some TVs has "Factory Reset" inside "About" icons


      back to top
      2. The Hard Reset

      a) Entering into the Recovery Mode 

      1.  For Infra-red TV Remote Controller

      Disconnect the electricity supply to the TV and wait for about 20 seconds for TV to discharge all stored values. Press and hold the “Home” and “Manual” buttons firmly with fingers of one hand while using the other hand or get someone to reconnect the plug of power supply.  The TV should start; if not,  press the big white button located just under the "Mi" symbol,   underneath the centre of the TV

      2.  For Blue Tooth TV Remote Controller

      1.  Disconnect the electricity supply to TV and wait for about 20 seconds and reconnect it back;

      2.  Press and hold the “Confirm” button and the “Restore” button (as shown above) with fingers of one hand at the same time and use to other hand to press the big white button located at  the bottom  of the TV.   just under the "Mi" symbol,  underneath the centre of the TV.

      On successful start up, the following recovery screen will pop up.  Quickly release the "confirm" and "Restore" buttons when this recovery screen appears.

       b)  The  Recovery Selections

       In here, there are 4 selection

      1. Reboot: When you want to reboot the TV after wiping the data and cache
      2. Wipe Cache: This is where one will want to clean the cache
      3. Wipe User Data: This is where all the newly installed APKs will be wiped out
      4. Wipe All Data : This is where a factory reset will be performed to wipe out all the cache and data and restore the TV to its factory settings

      Normally,  just select Wipe Cache and  reboot the TV
      Important Note:  
      If one has rooted the TV before, it will not be advisable to select option 4  to “Wipe All Data” because the process will wipe out all  including also the rooted files, making the TV unusable.  Some users advised not to use this option 4 altogether.

      back to top

      3.  Factory Reset for New Xiaomi TV

      New Xiaomi TV may need a factory reset so that the remote controller can be used.  
      Perform the hard reset as described in  The Hard Reset

      Other Articles About Xiaomi TV or Box 

      Can be found here


      1. Backup APKs in Xiaomi TV
      2. Install Youtube and Google Chrome in Xiaomi TV without rooting
      3 .Install Youtube and Google Chrome in Xiaomi TV without rooting
      4. Xiaomi TV:  To root or not to root

      Friday, February 2, 2018

      Buying Prepaid SIM Cards in Malaysia. Avoid the Cheats.

       2 February 2018


      “I bought a Prepaid SIM card from Maxis in Nu Sentral, Kuala Lumpur (KL). The counter staff helped to register the SIM card and recommended a RM$10 top up for my stay in KL. After a day of usage,  the system reminded me for another top up.  I was shocked to find the top up was never done.”   This is a very common complaint when buying prepaid SIM cards in Malaysia.  
      This article will show how one can avoid this predicament.   

      The Malaysian SIM cards

      1. There are basically 4 different brands of prepaid SIM cards  in Malaysia;   namely,  Celcom,  Maxis,  Digi and U Mobil.  

      2.  The market is quite competitive offering various  kinds of services and schemes with gimmicks to attract the tourists and local users.   Some are offering unlimited and free use of Whatsapps and Facebook etc.  There is even one that offers free traveller’s SIM card but they will recover the cost when one starts using the card.  Here is one good blog that describes the various types of cards 

      The Basics

      Prepaid SIM cards are available everywhere in Malaysia and the prices are mostly fixed.  Buying at the Airport is just a convenient. 

      1. SIM cards would most likely come with some stored value;  some stated upfront the actual value and some hidden the information for some good reasons.  For example,  if one buys a Maxis Card for RM$10, it would have a stored value of RM$5 for 1.5 GB of internet usage which can last for about  a week for an average user;

      2. All SIM cards will need to be registered before it can be used. The process would only take less than 5 minutes;

      3. If one must top up the card for some reasons and gets the counter staff to do on behalf ,  it would better to tell the staff upfront that you will want a receipt and a check for the  added value stored in your SIM card;

      The Cheaters and Scammers

      As tourists,  we are always the easy preys of the cheaters and the scammers.   Unfortunately,  most bloggers are blogging about  how to choose the best SIM card and not how to prevent the cheaters and scammers.   

      In the past,  the cheaters and scammers would normally lurk tourists to buy the “cheapest SIM card available in Malaysia” which sometimes may cost as high as 3 times the price of the next shop.   Nowadays,  this loop hole has been plugged by the Service Providers who stated upfront the cost of each  package on each prepaid SIM card.

      The cheaters and scammers  now started a new scam as there is a requirement for all SIM cards to be registered and most tourists are not familiar  with the complexity;  often,  they will let the counter staff handle the registration.  2 types of cheats and scams become possible:

      1.  Selling of the Personal Information

      The counter staff who handle the registration can  collect and sell the personal information. Fortunately,  the registration is done in front of you so that you can make sure they do not take photos or Photostat your passports or ID cards for unknown reasons.

      2. Topping of Stored Value

      This is one of the most common stunts as most tourists do not want to be bothered about topping the stored value and would leave it to the counter staff to top up the cards for them.   Many would leave the shop immediately without checking the value stored in the card.   Some would keep wondering why they used up the internet GB so quickly in Malaysia.   This is all because the counter staff did not top up the card.

      Most SIM card sold in the market have some stored value enough for the numbers of days as per advertisement shown by the Maxis prepaid card for example.   There is usually no need to top up the card unless you are a very heavy user.  

       Their websites would often contain enough information including how much is the stored value when you purchase the prepaid card.  In the case of Maxis,  the information is hidden in this FAQs

      3.  Selling the Wrong Package

      The Service Providers change their offers regularly to attact customers;  some has 1-day validity,  some 2-day and some  7-day.   They came in with different prices.  The seller might cheat by giving you the cheaper package.   It is good to be familiar with the various packages offered by the Service Providers.  Most of their information are available in their webpages and also in their phone Apps where one can download free for viewing.

      How to check the stored value?

      Most Service providers will have phone apps where one can easily check the stored value or balanced value in the card;  for example,  Maxis has this in the front page of its phone apps

      For those who don’t use their phone apps,  they can always key-in some special key-codes to check the balance.

      How to Top Up the Cards?

      This can also be done easily through their phone apps;  for example,  Maxis has the following page in their phone apps to top up the card using credit or Debit cards.   The SIM  cards could also be topped up in specified payment machines and even at convenient stores such as 7-11s. 

      One could also top up the SIM cards using 3rd party service portal such as Recharge,  who will accept many form of payment including PayPal where one's particular information can be kept confidential.

       Complaints if any

      Most Service Providers have a twitter page where one can complain to them about the services they are rendering.   In the case of Maxis,  the twitter manager will respond very quickly to answer your complaints within the day.  They may request for your Name and the telephone number registered in Malaysia and also the location of the shop you purchase the prepaid card.

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