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Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Can MiBox S Play Dolby Atmos and Other 7.1 Sound Files?

14 May 2019

# MiBox S,  MiTV4,  Atmos sound,  DTS sound

Many people were doubtful about MiBox being able to play Atmos and other DTS 7.1 sound files because there were many complaints about MiBox S not even able to play digital sound in 5.1.  

Is This True?

It was true when MiBox S was first released in Oct 2018;  then MiBox S has a brand new Android TV OS called Oreo 8.1 which is different from the MiBox 3 Global Version.  Its US website and the box indicated that MiBox S could only play “DTS HD”

Xiaomi amended and updated its OS in early Jan 2019.  The new ones have  the following picture and are able to play  “2.0+digital output”.


What is Dolby Audio  2.0+Digital Output ?

It simply means the device is capable to play Dolby Audio digital to give DTS Digital Surround® audio streams to a receiver or audio playing device.  In addition,  it is also capable to provide a 2-channel analog output,  allowing old analogue receiver or headphone to be used as it has the appropriate converter to do the work.

What Files Were Playable?

Almost all the files downloaded from Digital Theatre or Demo World are playable in MiBox S.

How to Test?

One does not not need to own expensive 7.1 sound surround system to test if MiBox S.   One would need only a KODI player like KODI 18 Leia.  The earlier version like KODI 17.3 can play sound file up to 5.1

Demo Audio Files

One can download the audio files from the following sources

Test Results

Test File
Audio Setting in KODI
(Double click to enlarge picture)


TrueHD 7.1

TrueHD 7.1

TrueHD 7.1

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Best World Lifestyle (BWL) and its Franchising Business in China

 12 May 2019 Update
# Franchising China,  Pyramid and MLM selling,  BWL  ChangSha Best 

Read Part 1 of the articles here

Why ChangSha Best has to be An Independent Import Agent?

BWL has declared ChangSha Best as an Independent Import Agent in its 40-pages-rebuttal to Bonitas Research on 8 May 2019.   

After the trading halt was lifted on 9 May 2019,  the price of BWL went up to  SG$1.75 in the morning ,    but it fell quickly by SG$0.26 or 16%   to  SG$1.36  after  Valiant Varriors (VV) pointed out that the boss of ChangSha Best is the Brother-In-Laws of  Dr.  Hoan,  who is one of the founders of  BWL.    According to VV,  ChangSha Best cannot be considered as an  Independent Import Agent of BWL.

SGXCo suspended the BWL’s trading at around 3:00 pm on 9 May and queried BWL about the relationship between ChangSha Best and BWL, giving a dateline for BWL to reply by  Friday,  10 May 2019.  This dateline was subsequently extended to 13 May 2018.

Why the Speculations?

There were many speculations about why BWL had to take so long to answer a simple question by SGXCo.  Some even speculated as if  BWL might have something to hide;  for example,  tax avoidance etc.   

To understand tax avoidance better. One might have to know more about  a new rule,  called GAAR,   introduced by the Chinese Tax Authority, the State Administration of Tax (SAT) in 2016.

What is GAAR ?

GAAR stands for "General Anti-Avoidance Rule".  It is one of the tax rules implemented in many countries to counter unacceptable tax avoidance practices.  In China.  this GAAR rules give the Tax man the power to determine if a company,  especially a Foreign Company,  has misused or abused the tax law by under declaring their profits for tax avoidance purposes in China.

What is Inside the GAAR Rule?

Among the many rules,   the following powers are given to the Tax man:

a)  The Tax man can cancel or deny any tax benefits or incentives given to the company if it is found that the company has

      1.  carried out illegal activities to avoid paying tax;
      2.  prevented the recovery of taxes,  tax fraud etc

In addition;

 b)  The Tax man can make special tax adjustment to certain transactions such as to consider profits declared by the Foreign company in its mother country as profits made by its subsidiaries in China;

       c)  Impose tax fines and late penalties as deemed to be appropriate

What Have Been Asked and Clarified ?

a)  ChangSha Best was operating completely independent from BWL’s China  Subsidiary, Best World (China) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.   ChangSha Best was  acting as a Primary Import Agent to import the particular  goods (Dr. Secret) directly from BWL Singapore and pay BWL Singapore without going through its Subsidiary in China;
b)  Best World (China) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is  thus playing no role in the sales to ChangSha Best;

c)   After obtaining the Franchising Model, Best World (China) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd is taking over the role of ChangSha Best.  As a result,  ChangSha Best will have to be terminated by agreement and returned its assets including inventories,  payable and "what not" back to BWL.   As a result,  Bonitas commented in one of its report about "What kind of independent party pays nearly 100% of accumulated profits upon termination of its agency arrangement? ”.

Questions  Remain

1.  By declaring ChangSha Best as Independent Primary Agent is  definitely not a crime even though the boss of ChangSha Best is the brother-in-law of one of the founders.   However,  this undisclosed information might lead to more speculations of possible tax avoidance;  if so,  how would it have affected the price of BWL? 

2.  If it has been insinuated that ChangSha Best is created for tax avoidance or similar purposes and BWL is  constantly and consistently in denial of any wrong doing,  can anyone "nail" that  BWL has broken  the GAAR rules or any other rules as there were transaction records  showing ChangSha Best is actually  a customer of BWL Singapore?
To find out the answers,  one might have to wait for the events to be unfolded in near future.  Nothing so far can confirm anything except some questions and clarifications given by BWL and the Short Sellers. 

Disclaimer:  This article is for information and  educational purposes.   Readers are advised to  conduct their own research and study to make their  own investment decisions.  This article in this part is speculative in nature and by no means indicating or insinuating anyone is committing  anything illegal. 

1 May 2019

Understanding Direct Selling (DS) and Franchising in China

The Direct Selling (DS) of products such as cosmetic and medicine herds and tonics started in China only after  AVON set its foot in 1990 in GuangZhou;  then they were peddling their wares from  “door to door”,  selling their cosmetic products the  MLM way just like they did in the US.   

Although the Franchising of food industries started after 1987,   the Franchising of products like cosmetic etc did not start seriously until after 2005 and until MLM selling was banned in China.  Then many DS companies started to transform their business models from DS to Franchising.

How Much Franchising Model can earn extra?

In a report released by the Authority in 2015,  it was pointed out that the 54 registered DS companies managed a total  revenue of about RMB 25 billion but their Franchising  businesses reeled in about RMB 77.6 billions which was 3 times the DS amount. 

The Franchising model becomes very popular thereafter,  prompting Best World Lifestyle (BWL) to change also its business model to Franchising model in 2018.

The Problem about Franchising in China

There were few news and reports about pyramid selling and false advertisement before 2018;  if any,  there were quickly  dismissed and “fire” distinguished immediately. The real problem (especially for BWL) did not start until the bosses of QuanJian (权健) and Tenesse (天狮) were caught for bribery at the end of 2018 and early2019.

The Intimate Relationship with the  Franchisees

The relationship was described to be one  involving “Hate and Love”.  The DS companies love the Franchisees because they could bring-in lots of money.   The DS companies hate them because they were the ones creating lots of troubles.  There is very little the DS companies could do to control their Franchisees mainly because they are the "Stars" of the businesses.  These Franchisees will still paddle their goods around “door to door” but the real  income will come from MLM pyramid selling.  When the going getting tougher,  these Franchisees may have recruited their own “illegal Franchisees” who would recruit other "illegal Franchisees" to do pyramid selling for example.  These people down the line could have done all sort of illegal acts behind the back of the DS companies.  Their activities could include “false advertising”,  manpower pulling (拉人头) etc to improve their businesses.

When the Franchisees committed some offenses,  the Franchisors’ reputations will be greatly tarnished as the "victims" and the Police will go after the Franchisors and not the Franchisees because  the Brands were involved.   Ultimately,  it is Franchisors like BWL who will have to handle the situation and take the rap.   The victims,  their families and their neighbors would swear not to use the offended brand in their remaining lifes.

The Management Controls of Franchisees

There is just very little the DS company’s management could do  to control these “illegal activities” of their Franchisees except through an incentive and penalty system.   A company called
“Infinitus (无限极)” has come up a “Nine stage Penalty System” involving cancelling the Franchising business in the Ninth stage.  But this was not effective as “Infinitus” were also caught recently for bribing the Officers.


Contrary to the believe that DS companies can survive by just peddling their wares “door to door”,    it is always the MLM selling especially the pyramid type of selling  that is going to bring-in lots of money.  The DS selling with Franchising model could expand the business but the success would depend much on whether the management could control their Franchisees effectively.   Don’t forget that the real business income always come from MLM selling which is banned in China.   It would be very hard to control these Franchisees.


27 April 2019

There has been active discussions in the Singapore's stock forums about the Franchising businesses of Best World Lifestyle (BWL) in China.   BWL has changed its business model in China from Direct Selling to Franchising model in 2018.   Bonitas Research,  a  Short Selling business firm  in the US has issued a report recently calling  BWL  a "Fraud".

Franchising business in China is not new especially in the food catering industries.    KFC started  franchising in China in 1987,   Pizza Hut around  1990 and McDonald's started its business in China around  2004.  "Yum" brand who was the Franchisee of KFC and Pizza Hut was reported to have more than 3,500 stores in China in 2011.    

However,   Franchising in China for other products did not start to take off until after Chinese Government banned MLM sellings around year 2000..  By 2018,  there were about 20,000 franchising shops operating all over China,  employing more than 500,000 workers.   This might be just the official numbers;  the unofficial figure including the partly legal and illegal ones could be many times more.

Type of Franchising

Officially,  there are 3 broad categories of Franchising Businesses in China
Category 1:  Government or Business type;  the former is for government and its  economic related companies setup for public interest,  the latter is for ordinary business setups

Category 2 :  Product (商品商标型) or Business Model (经营模式型) .  The former is for a product like Coca-cola,  the latter includes not only the products but also the brands including the whole business setup like McDonald,  Kentucky etc

Category 3 :  Direct (直接特许) or  Distributed (分特许)  .  The Direct type is for one level selling,  "subletting" of business licenses is not allowed whereas for the Distributed type,  “subletting”  is allowed
Under the above 3 broad categories,  the franchising business models can also be divided into 3 types
Type 1 :  The Direct Franchising model:  All the franchising branches, stores and businesses  belong to the Head Quarter (Franchisor);

Type 2:   The Free Franchising model :  the franchising branches, stores and businesses are privately owned;  Franchisor might hold some business rights;

Type 3:   Special Franchising model (特许连锁(或称加盟连锁特许经营):  Branches and stores are privately owned;  Franchisor still holds the business rights exclusively.
All Franchises must have a  license to operate in China.  There are many different types of Franchising businesses;  some are approved based on items by items for sale only in designated location or city.   There is no one license that can cover in blanket over the whole China for example.

According to BWL's Franchising business license,   BWL is in Type 3 category.

What’s Really Happening in the Market?

Before 2006,  there were only a handful of about 50 franchising companies in China.  Because MLM pyramid selling was so rampant in China,  the Authority started clamping down MLM businesses after having joined the WTO in 2005.  First,  they banned the MLM businesses and introduced the "Single Level Direct Selling" rules in August 2005,  then they controlled the issuance of Direct Selling(DS) licenses to about 10 licenses per year for the next 10 years from 2006 to 2016.  

Because it was so difficult to get a license for the DS businesses,  many DS companies started to transform from Direct Selling to franchising business after 2006;  also,  many transformed  for the  simple reason that franchising business selling rules were not as strict as the  DS selling rules.    

There are now so many different types of franchising businesses and models in China.  They can generally be divided into 3 types
1.  The Official and Legal type:  mainly for food industries like McDonald,  Kentucky or Pizza Huts;

2.  The Not-So-Legal type:  These are those who have restricted license for one product to be sold in one location but doing franchising business for all products all over China.  In this case,  the franchising business license is only a show piece to support their sales;

3.  The Illegal type:  These are those who do not have any license to operate franchising business in China.  They might be franchisees of a legal or illegal franchisee,  recruiting  to sell franchisee setups or products to other franchisees in a pyramid structure.   These illegal franchisees are privately owned either by a group or individual.
It is believed that majority of the franchising businesses in China are the illegal type.  Those already in the pyramid structure would be promised handsome rewards if  they  can bring more to join them as their franchisees.   Manpower pulling (拉人头),  brainwashing,  pestering and sometimes, life threatening actions are often heard to be the standard tactics used by these people.

Who and Who ?

There is no official information as to who and who is practicing franchising in China except for the big and legal ones like McDonald,  Kentucky and Pizza Hut.   However,  in recent years,  there have been spates of court cases involving companies who have been practicing pyramid sellings.  The 2 most prominent and  notorious companies are QuanJian (权健) and Tenesee ( 天狮) These 2 companies were the top 10 Direct Selling companies in China  until they got into trouble with the laws from 2016.

From the many court details and webpage reports  about them,  it is believed that these 2 were practicing Not-So-Legal franchising businesses on the surface whereas their franchisees were practicing illegal franchising  or even pyramid sellings behind the scene. 

What Type Being Used by BWL?

There was very little information about what type of franchising business model that BWL is using in China.  The official documents and the pictorial information tend to suggest that BWL is operating the “Not-So-Legal Type” of franchising where they have showed that they have only one license to franchise  Dr.Secret in ChangSha city;  but, they have been  selling also other products in Changsha as well as in many other Chinese cities.  There was no information or record about any of the BWL franchisees  were directly  involved in those illegal pyramid sellings using BWL's products.  

Would the Franchisor  Like BWL Be Implicated?

There are 34 regulations how Franchisor should operate under the Chinese Franchising Rules.  Among the various regulations,  the rule book also spells out the Francisor's duties and responsibilities.

There are rules about what Franchisor (特许人)  should do to protect the interest of its Franchisee (被特许人) including the provision of supervision,  supporting  technology and trainings etc.  However,  there was no rule about how Franchisors can be relieved of the duty and the implications for the wrong doing of their Franchisee.

The rules specifically mentioned that there must be an agreement (合同) signed between the Franchisor  and the Franchisee,  allowing the Franchisee to make use of the Franchisor’s resources to operate the business. (以合同形式将其拥有的经营资源许可其他经营者(以下称被特许人)使用)

The rule also suggested that it is the duty of the Franchisor to impart knowledge as well as to supervise the Franchisee’s operation.   In any case,  even if it has not been written so as a rule, it would be clear that the Franchisors must protect themselves to ensure that its reputation and product would not be tarnished by the Franchisees' wrong doing. This is because the customers would not normally blame the Franchisees but the Franchisor.

In view of the above and contrary to the believe of  many forumersthe Franchisor like BWL would be implicated for the Franchisee’s illegal activities.  It might be the very reason why the bosses of QuanJian and Tanesee have to resort to bribing the Chinese officers for the “crimes” committed by their franchisees.  Although they could go scot-free for many past court cases involving their Franchisees,    they have to go to the jail finally.

 Disclaimer:  This article is for information and  educational purposes.   Readers are advised to  conduct their own research and study to make their  own investment decisions.

Other References:

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

HDMI Connection Problems in MiTV4 and other Televisions

 8 May 2019

#MiTV,  HDMI cables,  HDMI connection,  HDMI Switchers

HDMI is a recent technology that simplifies the transferring of video and audio signal from one device to another through the use of a single HDMI cable.  Without HDMI,  one would have to use at least 2 set of cables,  one for video and the other for audio signal.

Nowadays,  HDMI is found in  almost all the audio and visual devices such as TV boxes,  and digital sound bars etc.    The modern TV will have at least one or more HDMI ports and one of them is usually marked with the word,  [ARC],  that will allow transmission of video as well as the true and unmodulated  audio signal. 

Some TVs like  Samsung or SONY TV  have auto HDMI switching facilities in which the TV will determine for the users which HDMI device should be switched on first when starting up.  There have invited lots of complaints when the users other HDMI device could not work properly.

What are the Complaints about?

1)  Got picture no sound or got sound no picture;
2)  HDMI CEC not working or TV switches on and off randomly;
3)  HDMI ARC not working and sound bar have no sound;
4)  TV boxes not able to play Netflix 4k Movies;
5)  Sometimes HDMI device works and other times, it  does not work;
6)  Loss pictures, channels or sound randomly once a while or everyday


Because the technology is relatively new,  it has some problems associated with competitive use of the HDMI handshaking facilities;  sometimes,    the default parameters such as the HDCP protection codes stored inside the TV’s memory got corrupted;   sometimes,  that default codes store in TVs have been locked for use by one particular device  and the handshaking become not available for use by other devices.      

When all these problem happened,   the users are always quick point a finger at the TV makers  especially when the  device played properly in their other TVs;  some TV and set top box makers were smart to allow only one HDMI port and let the users buy special HDMI switchers if they wanted more HDMI devices to be connected. 


1.  Not Quite Workable Solutions

1.  Turning off the HDMI Auto Switching
Many have resorted to turning off HDMI Auto Switching as a solution but this might not work properly.  First,  many TV does not have a HDMI default for the switch;  even if they have,  it was never properly documented.. Then, one might face problem that the TV is no longer able to play any HDMI devices properly unless they play around with the HDMI switches;

2. Installing  HDMI Switcher

This unit works but not always.   It might have the same problem as many of the auto switching facilities built-in the TVs;  after all,  the competitive use of HDMI devices will be there until the TV or similar receiving devices can register and accept the device during handshaking.  Also,  one would need to find the right type of switcher.

3.  Changing the HDMI cable to better grades

This does not quite work unless one has been using older HDMI cable.   For sound system that use HDMI ARC for connection,  the cable must be one that complies with HDMI version 1.4 because the earlier version does not have the additional ARC audio cables built-in

 2  Workable Solutions


1.  The correct type of HDMI cables
1.  Make sure that the HDMI cable is at least version 1.4 and above

The older version 1.3 will not be able to play 4K video and
ARC sound as it does not have the necessary additional cables and bandwidth.   The latest version is HDMI 2.0 that has been certified to support "High Speed" and "High Bandwidth" applications. 
2.  Troubleshooting 123
1.  Remove all the HDMI cable either from the HDMI devices or from the TV,  leaving only that  “assumed now to be faulty” HDMI device connected

2.  Reboot the TV and the HDMI device together

3.  Reconnect back the other HDMI one by one and reboot each time when a HDMI is connected

If the HDMI device and cable are compatible and working,   this method should solve the problem.  Those  MiBox S owners should be able to play 4K Netflix movies. 

If there is a handshaking problem,   the connected device will not work properly.  One should troubleshoot further to find what's wrong with the device.  If it is the CEC control  problem,  try switching off  the CEC control in the connected device. 

If necessary,  switch the HDMI cables around to find if the correct type of cable is being used.
3.  What if Method 1 only allow one HDMI to work properly
1.  Get a manual HDMI switcher to connect all the problematic HDMI  devices one by one to the TV;  reboot when necessary
2.   If everything is working again,  reconnect the other HDMI devices to the HDMI port of the TV or the switcher
This manual HDMI switcher  has almost become extinct and hard to find nowadays.  One would have to settle for an electronic HDMI switchers which this article will elaborate

How to Select Electronic HDMI Switchers

There are many different brands and types of electronic HDMI switchers in the market.  This is because there is a demand as many Television makers provide only one HDMI outlet,   forcing the users to buy HDMI switchers if they wanted to connect more than one HDMI device.  

Generally,  the market has 2 types of electronic HDMI switchers 

1.  The older type that complies with HDMI version 1.4

This type usually can be used to play 4K movies @ 30 fps or HD 1080p.   It would not likely to have HDCP 2.2 certification

2.   The newer type that complies with HDMI 2.0

This type can play 4K movies @ 60 fps and most should have also HDCP 2.2 certification to play 4K movies on YouTube or Netflix
It is always advisable to buy the  newer model that will comply with HDMI version 1.4 or 2.0 that has HDCP 2.2 plus the following additional requirement
a)   100% HDMI pass-through allowing  4K video and digital audio signals to get from playing devices such as a Blu-ray player  to the receiving devices such as Television sets without any alteration of the signal.    The pass-through should also be allowed for

1)  The HDR-encoded and/or 3 D video signal
2)  The digital audio signal such as ARC

b)   If one is using the switcher for switching the advanced audio formats, such as Dolby TrueHD, Atmos, DTS-HD Master Audio, DTS:X, one will have to make sure the switcher is also compatible and usable for such signal transmissions;

The HDMI switcher does not necessary need to have “Standby pass-through” capability as HDMI switcher does not consume lot of power and can be switched on all the time when the TV or receiver device is on

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