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Sunday, April 5, 2020

Where is the Origin of this CoronaVirus Outbreak?

 21 March 2020

Let Science Do the Talking

There is a lot of talking about where this present coronavirus has originated.  Some said from Wuhan,  China;  others claimed that it was from USA.  Some even mentioned about Taiwan.    In between and among the countries,  they blamed each other for spreading the diseases.   The Politicians,  the netizens,  the commoners all have their says,  bringing up all sort of evidences to prove that they are right

When will this end?

This sort of argument will never end.  The argument will still continue  until the day when there is a common understanding among all of us  and what that might be,  you might ask.   The Science.

The Experts are Talking?

So far,  all the argument has one thing in common.  It started with “according to the experts”.   In many of the arguments,  not many mentioned about the names of experts.  even if  experts’ name were quoted,   the argument will not rest. 

What could Stop these Arguments? 

The argument will stop when everyone has the consensus and agreed to concentrate the effort to find the source.  This will never be easy and may not be possible if the this coronavirus is man-made and not from natural sources like bats or pangolin.   In this case,  there might be a possibility to use RNA technology to locate this source. 

What is RNA Technology?

In layman's term,  it is much like the DNA technology.   It is a tool used to study the gene or the genome of a organism or living cells. Unlike DNA that ,  RNA technology

Every virus will have a set of genome sequence as defined by RNA techology

Who is GISAID?
GISAID is nonprofit organisation with HeadQuarter in Munich of Germany.   It serves to share information about global health, research and education with databases that can be assessed free by people all over the World.  
Its primary purposes is provide a platform where the World can share all influenza virus sequences, related clinical and epidemiological data etc to help global researchers doing researches on  viruses.
GISAID presently has more than 350 genome sequences to be shared on their platform. 

The shutting down of the Bio Research Lab in America could only further reinforce the believe that the country has put in place a proper control and management system to handle these laboratories and to prevent them from causing a pandemic.

The only Bio Research Lab that can guarantee 100% safe is a Bio Lab that never do any research on biological work or has been closed down. Even when there is "leak" or mishap, there must be protocols and procedures to handle these happenings to stop them from causing a outbreak. It is still safe.

Argument about who is responsible for this coronavirus outbreak basing on this kind of argument will go no where. It will alwys ended with everyone scolding each other an "idiot". it is just a waste of time..

Why don't we let Science do the talking. We have DNA and RNA technologies, quite sure they will be able to tell us sooner the source of this outbreak.

If you like you can look at this chart presented by GISAID . It uses Genome sequences and arrange the virus to form trees that can trace the source and the origin. The chart has all the information about the gene and the kind of mutations happening. Enlarge into full screen and explore. GISAID is a non-profit organisation stationed in Munich, Germany. It has more than 350 genome sequence free to share to all people of the World.

You can also view this video that illustrate how other use the same Genome sequences to map and anlayse the development of virus infection. The web address is shown at the bottom of the video (Part 1) (Part 2)

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