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Friday, February 8, 2008

Fast Backup of Blog Acticles

Many blogs and web pages have recommendations about how one can backup the articles in a blog. Many methods or software recommended are either time consuming to use, requiring registration/payment or not user friendly. This article will introduce one other method that one can use to backup thousands of articles in just mere minutes instead of hours.

How?By using the Excel Spreadsheet's XML capability to read the RSS feed. Note that version earlier than Excel 2002 does not have this XML capability.

What is RSS Feed and What is XML Language?
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a file format that one can send updated articles quickly to the Readers;
XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a general-purpose computer language to facilitate the sharing of structured data across different information systems; for example, the Internet. It is often the language specified in RSS feed.

How Does it Compare?
This method can store thousands of articles in mere minutes instead of hours, limited only by memory and harddisk space.

What are the Other Limitations?This method can store only html of the articles, the various links and other statistics. It does not store the images. The other limitation is that it may truncate any article that is more than 4,000 words or 19,000 characters or roughly about 12 pages per article (Excel 2003 and 2007 can actually store up to 32,000 characters in a single cell if spaces are included). Also, this method will back up only the published articles.

Why?Because this method makes use of MICROSOFT EXCEL as a RSS reader and EXCEL does not recognize image feed; also, it has limits on the number of characters that each Excel cell can hold.

What is the Workaround?One can use other software, such as "HTTrack Web Copier" to backup the blog once in a while. The author tried HTTrack. This program took him about 40 minutes and used about 50 MB of space to backup all the 33 articles in his blog; on the hand, the new method took him less than 5 seconds and about 600 KB of disk space.

PreparationOne would need the following :
a) A copy of Microsoft Excel installed in the computer;
b) A harddisk space of not less 500 KB for about 33 articles;

Things to do Next
1. To Backup the Bloga) Start Internet and enter the following in the address:;
Replace yourblogname with your real blog name.
b) Click “go” and one would be greeted by the usual file download screen.

Save the “full” file to a folder that you can remember; the file will be completed in seconds.

2. To Restore Blog Articles
a) Start Excel. In the File Menu, open the “full” file and one would be asked if one wants to load this file “as an XML list”, click ok;

b) after that, Excel will load up the following screen that contain all the articles for the blog;
c) Look for a column that list the “Content” or “Description” of the blog; such as the one showed in solid square.

d) Check to make sure that it contains the necessary HTML language. Try to copy the entire content in the Excel Cell of the article that one is prepare to restore;
e) Goto the blog, paste this content in the blog's HTML Editor for the article. If the reference images and the website addresses are intact and valid, they will be restore automatically as if they were original copy of the article in the blog.

Process Automation
1. The Author has a little Excel Program to automate the process of downloading the RSS feed of the blog into the an Excel file called Blogback.xls.
2. Download this "Blogback" program which is only 185 KB into a folder. Doubleclick the program in the file menu of folder will show a screen to "Enable/disable the macro". Enabling the macro will start "Blogback" that will allow users to maintain 3 blog sites.

Note 1: The computer must have Microsoft Excel Installed.
Note 2: Users are free to examine and modify the source code which is available for view by selecting Tool/Macro/Visual Basic Editor in the Excel Sheet. It should contain no viruses/spywares.
Note 3: The Author only tested this method in Microsoft Excel 2003. "Blogback" should also work in earlier versions if they support the imports of XML files.

Other Related Site
1. Embed Auto-GIF in Website/Blog
2. Embed Youtube in Website/Blog
3. Insert Small Pic in Title Blog

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

MicroPower Generation in Singapore

Introduction Singapore will import Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) by 2012 for domestic consumption. Would Singaporeans be able to use this alternative energy for MicroPower Generation on site? This article will examine this prospect.

Power Generation and Distribution in SingaporePresently, Singapore imports natural gas from Malaysia and Indonesia and bulk of which are for power generation. About 80% of Singapore’s total power demand of 5,000MW are from natural gas. Singapore has 8 power generating companies and one power distribution company, called the PowerGrid.

What is MicroPower Generation?MicroPower Generation more refers to on-site, small scale power generation that uses alternative source of energies such as wind, solar, natural gas and other energies. Overseas examples, especially those in US, will show that one can use natural gas to power Fuel Cells and Microturbines to generate electricity, heat and cooling on site for homes and offices. Judging from the sales of the companies selling these products, there is an increasing trend for on-site MicroPower generation. Presently, on-site generation systems in US are producing 135 billion Kwh per year or about 3.6 percent of U.S's generation

What is Fuel Cell and what is Micro-Turbine?
Fuel Cell is an electrochemical device that produces electricity silently without combustion. In a Fuel Cell, electricity can be generated by combining hydrogen fuel extracted from natural gas and the oxygen derived from air. Fuel cells can produce enough heat to generate cooling as well as heating for use in homes and offices. Fuel cell, like battery, has no moving parts except for the chemical reactions between hydrogen and oxygen. Fuel Cells can be packed to power a car or on site to supply energies to building complexes.

Microturbines are actually miniature combustion turbines that have been used in small jets or as auxiliary units in airplanes. It has approximately the size of a refrigerator and can generate electricity from 25 KW to about 500 kW. Similar to Fuel Cells, Microturbines can also generate cooling as well as heating energies. The details and the workings of the Microturbine can be found here.


For efficient use of natural gas, Fuel Cells and Microturbines are sometimes combined such that waste heats from Fuel Cells are used in the Microturbine and vice versa.

Why MicroPower Generation?
Large power plants are 15-20% less efficient than MicroPower generation because they can’t make use of the waste heat effectively; also, there are losses over long transmission lines. Examples in US show that investment in Fuel cells or Microturbines can be repaid in the period between 3 to 5 years depending on the differences in the rates between electricity and natural gas. The rate increase in favor of natural gas will force more users to consider the use of MicroPower generation.

Can I use MicroPower at Home?Today’s Fuel Cells and Microturbines from the stores have generation capacities above 25KW which is too big for home that requires only about 3 KW of electricity. They would be more suitable for residential complex, offices or factories, which usually consume more than 25 KW; however, there is an experiment that uses Fuel Cells to power a house in UK.

What About Cost?Microturbine will cost roughly US$1,200 to US$1,500/= per KW whereas Fuel cells, 4 times as much at US$5,000 to US$10,000 per kilowatt. However, Fuel Cells have lower operating cost of about US$0.07 to US$0.08 per Kwh as compared to US$0.10 per Kwh in the case of Microturbine. There were examples that the cost of these installations can be recouped within a period less than 5 years basing on today’s natural gas and electricity rates. In comparison, a normal power generation plant will
cost around US$ 650 per KW.

Would the Authority Permits?The generation and distribution of electricity in Singapore is regulated by Energy Market Authority (EMA). Present regulations do not permit anyone to retail electricity without first obtaining a licence from EMA; however, there are isolated cases where MNCs have generated power for use in their own hi-tec plants. Islandwide, ENV has permission to generate electricity from the refuses in incinerators.

Can I Connect to the Grid?There are reports that users of MicroPower in US have connected their devices and sell excess electricity to the Grid. However, it is not expected that PowerGrid will permit such connection when Microturbines and Fuel Cells become available, not until when there are regulatory policy on such connection.

Policies in other Parts of the WorldUS, Canada and European countries have regulatory policies governing on-site power generation to promote the use of MicroPower generation. This is because MicroPower generation is in-line with the Governments’ Distributed Generation (DG) policy that helps to ease power generation pressures in the countries. For example in US, the Public Utility Regulatory Policy Acts of 1978 stipulates the right for users of small generating plants to sell power to Public Utilities. These countries also offer incentives, such as cash rebates, for the use of Fuel Cells and Microturbines.

What are the limitations?Unlike electricity, Fuel Cells and Microturbine will need a few minutes for starting up; they are not instantaneous. These MicroPower plants are cost effective only when they are constantly in operation with a minimum base load; therefore, connection to the power grid is essential for economical operation. Besides the higher first cost, these MicroPower devices will occupy space and require fire safety consideration.

The use of natural gas will give an opportunity for Singaporean to consider on-site generation of electricity. Examples in US show that these MicroPower plants can be cost effective. Whether Singaporeans can effectively use the MicroPower plants will much depend on the Government’s policy for on-site generation.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Cut Air Conditioning Bills by 50%


The advent of Technology makes home office a reality. Many people are now working from home, communicating to the outside World through Computers/Internet. Home office doesn’t necessary need lots of space but they will need air-conditioning. This article will tell how one could beat that rise in electricity rate and cut more than 50% in air conditioning bill to cool the home office.


By reducing the space of cooling and by introducing spot cooling.

According to estimate, the air-conditioning bill can come to around S$850/= per year if one uses a standard HDB room for 10 hrs per day. Up to S$450/= or 50% of the bill can be saved.

Can you Explain?

In air-conditioning , about 30 to 40% of the cooling losses are through the walls and the infiltrated air that seep through door and window gaps. By moving the home office from a standard HDB room to a newly converted or partitioned smaller room, one can reduce the space of cooling and save as much as 35% and further, by using spot cooling, one can save another 18 to 20%.

What’s Spot Cooling?

Spot cooling is a term often related to temporary cooling or cooling of a specific area or equipment. Spot cooling has been used in industrial plants and factories for years. In our application, we refer to coolings directed to a room occupant.

Is Spot Cooling Comfortable?

For comfort cooling, room air should be around 25 oC @ 55% relative humidity. Air often leaves the cooling coil at around 15 oC with 100% relative humidity. As conditioned air picks up heat, it reduces its humidity; hopefully, by adjusting the thermostat, the air would reach the person at about 25 oC @ 55% relative humidity. Actual example indicates that this can be achieved when the thermostat temperature is around 28 to 29 oC, which is 3 to 4 oC differences from 25 oC. According to a rough estimate, for every degree rise in cooling air, one could save about 6-8% (derived from Psychrometric Chart) or total of about 25% energy saving for a 4 oC rise !

What about Housekeeping?

One should ensure
1) Air-conditioning system has sufficient charge of Freon. Experiments show that by undercharging Freon by 10%, it reduces cooling by 4%; however, ice would start to form at the coil when Freon level drops to 80%. According to some estimates, the cost of recharging can be recovered in a period of 3 to 4 months;
2) Air filters are often cleaned. Use disposable secondary filter if possible;
3) Evaporator and condenser are pressured-water cleaned at least once a year and chemical cleaned once every 2 years.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Car Freon Charging for the Novice

The car air-conditioning is getting weaker; ice was seen formed in the evaporating coil. One guessed the Freon was low. Can one recharge the Freon DIY at home? This article will try to answer some of these questions.

Why Freon leaks?Freon often leaks from piping joints, cracked pressure switch , expansion valve or corroded evaporator. The most common cause of leaks is from corroded evaporator which is often made from thin and flimsy aluminum material for some reasons. Leaks from piping joints are often caused by swelling or damaged O-ring which allows Freon to escape under the hot sun. Sometime, the Freon leakage is so bad that a full charge of Freon would completely disappear over night. This will happen in the case of a corroded evaporator.

What are the Synthoms of Low Freon?
When Freon level drops below 90%, the cooling efficiency would be reduced by about 4%. As the level drop below 80%, ice will start to form often in the evaporator. Further drop in the Freon level until high pressure of the compressor reaches around 20-30 psi, the low pressure switch will start to cut-in and stop the compressor from running to prevent further damage.

What are the Other Causes for Poor Air-conditioning?Faulty expansion valve and compressor can also cause poor air-conditioning; especially when one has just charged the Freon and there are enough Freon in the system.

How Do I Confirm if Freon is Low without Pressure Gauges?
Open the bonnet; look for the Filter/Dryer. On top of the Filter/Dryer there should a small glass window(sight glass) not larger than a 5 cent coin. Observe the color of the window carefully (one may need a torch light). If the car is short of Freon, the window would be whitish in color even when the engine is speeded up with the air conditioning switched on.

Why Window in Whitish Color?If the car is short of Freon, the Freon will bubble when it passes through the window. The small tiny bubbles are whitish in color.

What if the Window is clear and the Compressor is not on ?
Quite likely the low pressure switch has activated and prevents the clutch from engaging to turn on the compressor. Test if there is Freon in the system by momentarily pressing the nipple valve provided on the suction (larger) or the discharge (smaller) piping of the compressor with the engine switched off. There should be Freon discharge. If not, Freon could have completely drained. In that case, air moisture could have entered into the system and one should vacuum the system first before charging it with Freon.

I’m Prepare to Charge Freon; What do I need?One will need the following:-
a) A tank of correct type of Freon, either R12 or R134a depending on the age of the car;
b) A pressure connecting hose;
c) Some amount of correct type of compressor oil for air-conditioning system;
d) A strong torch light

Where can I get the supplies?
From the car air-conditioning spare part shops. Retail Freon comes in 25lb cylindrical tank, the oil in 1 litre bottle and the pressure hoses, in a set of 3. There are also recharge kits available in the Web that provides a short length of pressure hose, Freon gas and also compressor oil.

What type of Freon for My Car?
Pre-1990 models probably come with Freon R12 and the newer ones, Freon R134a. Check out from the Car Agencies what type of Freon is used for your car because Freon R134a cannot be used in an R12 system and vice versa.

Can I tell the difference between Freon R12 and Freon R134a?Both will be in gaseous state in discharged form. There will be no way to tell by sight. Instrument will detect all types of all refrigerant and blends.

Why I cannot mix the Freons?Oil used in R12 system is incompatible with the type used in R134a systems. Oil must mix well with Freon for it to be returned to the compressor for lubrication. R12 systems use mineral oil (YN-9) and R134a, synthetic oil (PAG YN-12 or Double End Capped PAG).

How much Freon do I need?
It varies from car to car. A modern car nowadays has roughly about 600 cc to 1200 cc. One could loss more than 50% of the Freon.

How much oil do I need?
It will depend on the amount of leakage. Minute leaks escape from the joints may need less than 5%. Assume 15-20% loss for normal leaks. The complete system has about 300 to 350 cc of oil

Is there an oil level gauge?
System is not designed to have level gauge because it is a pressurized and closed system. The amount of oil required to be charged will much depend on experience and guessing work.

What if I overcharged the System with Oil or Refrigerant?There is no indication that slight overcharging will harm the system; however, it is expected that one should not have over-charged the system with oil or refrigerant because oil is not compressible and too much refrigerant builds up pressure in the system. Over charging of oil can clog the air-conditioning components and starve the compressor of oil; undercharging of oil can destroy the compressor as well.

Should I fix the Freon leakage first?One should always fix the Freon leakage first because it will be a waste of time and money if these leakages are not fixed; but, there are times that leakages are minute due to regular use of the car under the hot sun.

Air-conditioning has high pressure; Is it dangerous?Any pressure vessel is dangerous to handle but air conditioning system has limited volume of Freon. Most cars come with pressure relief valve that will release Freon in the event of excessive high pressure but understand that the industry is doing away with this valve. Wear safety glasses if necessary.

Is Freon Dangerous to handle?It is not toxic as well as flammable. It is quite safe to handle.

Next Step
Charge the pressure hose or use a proper oil injector with estimated amount of compressor oil. Connect up the tank of Freon as shown attached.

The pressure hose should be connected to the nipple valve of suction piping of the compressor (the larger of the two piping going into the car compartment).

With the engine running in idling speed, turn on the valve on the Freon tank slowly and observe the sight glass on the filter/dryer carefully. If the Freon is not adequate, the sight glass window will be whitish in color. Further addition of Freon should clear the bubbles especially when one revs up the engine a little (see animated picture).


On occasion that the sight glass window is still whitish or the Freon bubbles are still visible after some time of charging, suspect some trouble with the system or the compressor.

Important Note: Do not charge liquid Freon into the compressor as that will harm the compressor. When the Freon tank is turned upside down, most likely Freon will enter the compressor in liquid state rather than vapor state.

Testing and Commissioning
Do a test on the air conditioning system, the air vent should now blow cooler air if the system is fully charged up with Freon.
To ensure proper work is done:
a) Make sure the engine and air-conditioning are running smoothly;
b) Check the suspected area of leaks leak using soap bubble test if necessary.

Other Related Sites
1. Car Aircon Compressor Repairs

2. Car Air-conditioning Part 1

3. Car Air-conditioning Part 2
4. Car Air-conditioning Part 3
5. Car Safety Inspection and Check at Home
6. Replace Engine Oil by Vacuum
7. Wheel Alignment Using Sideslip meter

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Repair Heating Coils of Electrical Appliances

Festive season is here. It is time to bring out that electric deep oil fryer or the Baby Belling oven from the store to make some cookies. Switch it on and it trips the earth leakage circuit breaker and cuts the power to the house.

Moisture trapped inside the heating coil of the electrical appliance had lowered the insulation of the coil. That caused higher than normal current leakage to the earth wire and tripped the circuit breaker.

How the Circuit Breaker Works?
The circuit breaker constantly measures the differences between current that flows into and returns from the house. Current leakage, if any, flows directly to the ground. When the appliance's current leakage to the ground exceeds 30 milli-ampere, the circuit breaker will trip the power supply and protect humans against electric shock;

Why 30 milli-ampere?
The research and experience found that this is the safest level of electricity that a normal human can withstand without suffering any injury.

How to Get Rid of the Moisture?
By heating. To enable the heating coil of the appliance, one must first remove the earth wire or the green wire; otherwise, it would continue to trip the power supply.

Isn’t that Dangerous?
It is not dangerous if there are sufficient controls to ensure that one would not come into contact with any metal work of the appliance;

Are There Any Better Method?No. Removing the coil to be heated separately is not a good solution.

How to Remove the Moisture Safely?1. One would need the following tools:-
a) A two pin adaptor that would accept a 3-pin socket outlet as shown;
b) A test pen
These 2 items are available from the local stores

2) Plug the adaptor into the wall socket outlet and then turn on the appliance as usual;
3) Do not touch any metal works. Use the test pen to touch any metal work; note the brightness of the neon lamp in the test pen;
4) After about 10 minutes, use the test pen again to test. One should note that the neon lamp will get weaker; meaning, the insulation of the coil is improving with less electricity leakage from the heating coil;
5) Now, plug the appliance without the adaptor. If the appliance has no other fault, it should not trip the circuit breaker this time; if not, repeat the heating.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Car Safety Inspection and Checks at Home

IntroductionGoing for that mandatory annual car inspection? Concern about the car safety before a long trip? One can do a simple and yet effective inspection and check on the wheel alignment and the brakes at home.

Car Inspection in SingaporeCars between 3 and 10 years old will have to be inspected once every 2 years whereas for cars older than 10 years, every year. The inspection fee is around S$ 60/=. If one fails the first, the second inspection will be carried out for an additional of about $ 30/=.

1. What do they check in the Inspection Centres ?

a) The proper working of the head, tail, brake and the turn signal lights;
b) The brakes and the hand brake;
c) The wheel alignment;
d) The smoke emission and noise generation;
e) The undercarriage condition and the steering mechanism.

2. What are the most Common Types of Faults that Required a Second Inspection?
The wheel alignment and the brakes. As for the rest, they can be inspected easily or should have never happened to a car that is less than 10 years old;

3. Can I Always Save that Second Inspection?Yes, you can. This article will concentrate on how one could carry out simple and effective checks for wheel alignment and the brakes.

Simple Tests at Home for Wheel alignment and brakesWhat equipment or tools needed?
For the wheel alignment, a portable side slip meter :

As for the brakes, a short crawl bar or any other tool that one can use as a level, such as the tire opener as shown in the attached

Wheel Alignment CheckThe check is relatively simple and straightforward. Reset the needle indicator to the zero position. Place the side slip meter in front of any front wheel, drive the car slowly and steadily over the side slip meter. The indicator needle should stay in the centre of the scale and within the ok range.

If the alignment is out for some reasons, one would have to adjust the length of the steering tie rods of the car or just send the car to the garage. Adjustment of the tie rod is also a simple task and some detail of which can be found here.

Note: ignore the second part that talked about how to align the wheel using toe-in measurement methods.

Brake check
a) Checking the condition of the brake is relatively simple as well. Jack the wheels up one by one. Using the crawl bar or the tire opener as a level, try to turn the wheel by leveling the bar using some fixtures behind the wheel as a pivot; for example, the disc brake assembly. The wheel should not turn at all.

Note1: Get someone else to step on the brake pedal while one is checking the brake. The engine must be switched on if one has ABS braking system in the car.
Note2: Use only sufficient force to turn the wheel so as not to spoilt the disc brake assembly if it is to be used as a pivot for the level.

b) Repeat a) for other wheels.

Note: don’t forget to test the hand or foot brake when one is testing the brake for the back wheel.
Other Related Sites
1. Car Aircon Compressor Repairs
2. Car Air-conditioning Part 1

3. Car Air-conditioning Part 2
4. Car Air-conditioning Part 3
5. Car Freon Charging for Novice
6. Replace Engine Oil by Vacuum
7. Wheel Alignment Using Sideslip meter

Monday, January 28, 2008

Wheel Alignment Check and The Side Slip Meter

Car tires are wearing unevenly? Going for a car inspection soon? One will need a wheel alignment check. This article describes how one can have this check done at home.

1. Why Wheel Alignment?
When the front wheel hits a road side kerb, that nasty impact might have affected the car steering mechanism. One might have a wheel mis-alignment. If that problem is not taken care of, one's car tires will wear out quickly. In many countries, wheel alignment check is a mandatory requirement for a car to obtain a fitness certificate.

2. How Do They Check?
Car Inspection Centres and most shops use side slip meters to check the wheel alignment. Some use optical alignment method. The very rough method was to use strings and human eyes, aligning the front to the back wheel.

3. What is a Side Slip Meter?It is an instrument that will tell how much the wheel will slide sideway on a free-to-slide surface. A perfect wheel alignment will have no sideway sliding movement on the wheels.

Types of Side Slip MeterThere are many different types of side slip meters. It ranges from simple and portable ones being used at home to the bulky and sophisticated types being used by the Tire Alignment Shops. This article will make an attempt to describe the simple and portable type that is available from Ebay at around S$230/=.

The Portable Side Slip Meter
The meter basically consists of 5 components:
a) The base plate
b) The small cylindrical rollers
c) The roller plate
d) The indicator needle and
e) The top plate

The components are all made of plastic materials except for the cylindrical rollers which could have been made from hard polyester material. The roller plate that contains the cylindrical rollers is designed to slide freely in between the top and the base plate. The sliding movement of the top plate is detected by an attached indicator needle that will tell the relative sideway movement of top plate.



Note: the above are automated GIF picture
The Wheel Alignment CheckThe tire alignment check is straightforward and easy using the portable side slip meter. Simply place the meter in front of the wheel. Drive and move the front wheel slowly and steadily over the side slip meter. The indicator will give the slip of the wheel.

DIY Side Slip Meter
It should not be difficult to DIY the portable side slip meter if you are a handyman type and have 3 Nos of 4-mm thick plastic sheets of size around 48 cm x 25 mm. The author will describe how to DIY this side slip meter if there are interested readers.

Other Related Sites
1. Car Aircon Compressor Repairs
2. Car Air-conditioning Part 1

3. Car Air-conditioning Part 2
4. Car Air-conditioning Part 3
5. Car Freon Charging for Novice
6. Car Safety Inspection and Check at Home
7. Replace Engine Oil by Vacuum

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Car Air-Conditioning Compressor Repair

The car's air-conditioning compressor has just failed. The mechanic quoted about S$700 for the repair including the replacement of filter and the Expansion valves. What to do next?


1. Can I trust this mechanic? 

The mechanic is probably right. The cost of the repair is also reasonable. You have just checked with the other shops; 

2. Have I been taken for a ride? 

After the repair, the air-conditioning worked fine for a year or two; then, the second compressor failed suddenly. One soon realizes that he has been taken for ride.

3. How to avoid?

Compressor usually has a life span of more than 8 years. It failed in the first instance because there was not enough lubrication. The second new compressor failed again because of improper repairs.

It is unlikely that one could tell if the mechanic had carried out a proper repair job because the air-conditioner performed well; also, common instrument won't tell the difference. However, one could avoid this kind of shoddy work done by observing and listening to what the mechanic has to say about the repair.

Assess the Mechanic by Observation

 1. Observe and find out what tools and equipment that the mechanic has owned. If he does not own a air-conditioning flushing machine, most likely he is not fit to replace the compressor. This is because when the compressor failed, it will send “sprinkles “ or tiny bits of iron chip, all over the air conditioning system. These sprinkles must be removed;

2. Observe if the mechanic keeps his tools and instrument tidy and clean and that he has calibrated his equipment regularly.

This will tell the differences between a Professional and a non-Professional.

3. Find out if he has repeated customers; however, this might not be a good indication alone because many customers are more looking for cheaper repairs;

Assessment by Listening

He could have said:-
a) “We do not own flushing machine but we use air compressor and cleaning fluid to flush the system”; then he added that “we have done this for hundblacks of car. No problem”. Most likely, he has been using non-approved method to carry out the work.

b) “We will dismantle the components one by one and blow the sprinkles out using air compressor”. Avoid this mechanic as sprinkles stuck to the oil surfaces are not easily to be removed by air compressor alone; also, there is a lot of hard work to dismantle each and every component;

c) “There is no need to flush…”; then, better walk out on him and put your car in another better hand.

The Experience

The author recently replaced his air-conditioning compressor DIY. He found many old and rusty sprinkles after flushing the Evaporator. These sprinkles could have been left sitting in the Evaporator for years and some of which could have found its way to the compressor to cause the earlier compressor failure.

Other Related Sites
1. Car Air-conditioning Part 1
2. Car Air-conditioning Part 2
3. Car Air-conditioning Part 3
4. Car Freon Charging for Novice
5. Car Safety Inspection and Check at Home
6. Replace Engine Oil by Vacuum
7. Wheel Alignment Using Sideslip meter

Animated GIF for Discussion Board Set 3

More free and interesting animated GIF to liven up Discussion Boards can be download by clicking the "Free Animated GIF for Forum" on the right drop down panel.
For small picture, right click the thumbnail then choose "save picture as".
For larger picture, double click the thumbnail, then right click that larger picture and choose "save picture as".
Download Avatar of the same picture from here and here

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Animated GIF for Discussion Board Set 2

More free and interesting animated GIF to liven up Discussion Boards can be download by clicking the "Free Animated GIF for Forum" on the right drop down panel.For small picture, right click the thumbnail then choose "save picture as".
For larger picture, double click the thumbnail, then right click that larger picture and choose "save picture as".
Download Avatar of the same picture from here and here

iPhone and iPad: How to Create a Short Cut in Home Screen to Clear Cache & History

23 November 2024 What are Cache and History? Cache and browser history store information about websites you've visited.  The C ache s to...