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Thursday, December 6, 2018

Black Screen in ACER Laptops

6 December 2018

An ACER E5-474 laptop was sent in for repair.  It had a flickering screen but later developed into a black screen that occurred randomly especially when one tried to move the laptop around with the screen activated. 

There are many posts found in the web recommended how to fix this black screen problem.  They are not only for ACER laptops but also for other brands.   Generally,  the  following fixes were recommended:

a)  Power down the Laptop for a few second,  then power it up and at the same time,  pressing [F2], [F9] and [F10],  followed by a [Enter] key,  one by one in sequence.  With some luck,  the screen will come back on to life; 

b)  Remove the power adapter and also unplug the battery.  Wait for about 60 seconds and reconnect the battery and the power adapter; hopefully,  everything will be back to normal.  Usually,  this works like magic.  Acer laptop even has a pin somewhere at the back of the laptop where one can reset the battery if the battery is in-built and not the detachable type;

c)  Replace the BIOS by downloading the BIOS to a thumb drive and plug the drive to an USB port.  Thereafter,  start the laptop by pressing the [ESC],  [Fn] and [Power] keys all at the same time for a few seconds and then release the keys.   wallah!  The screen is always shown back to normal.

There are also other fixes that did  not quite work out.  

The laptop's screen came back after performing method a)  but it did not last long and the screen went  black after sometime.   Removing the battery worked better but suffered the same fate.  After some time,  none of the methods worked.

What are They Doing? 

In all these fixes found in the Web,  there is one thing in common;   none of them could explain properly what they were doing and also,  there was no guarantee that this  black screen problem would go away.     The method about replacing the BIOS has some substances.  At least it replaced and reset something in the laptop.

What was the Actual Problem?

After having gone through all the fixes except for the replacement and updating  of the BIOS,  one would get a conclusion that there was actually nothing wrong with the laptop.   May be the black screen was just a resetting problem and the flicking screen got something to do with dirty VGA port.

Why a Resetting Problem?

The screen flickering and black screen problem just went away after we removed the battery for about 10 to 15 minutes.   This could have reset the BIOS.   At the same time,  we clean up the laptop’s input and output connection ports with a tooth brush and WD40 cleaning fluid.  We paid particular attention to the cleaning of the VGA port for which reason we will explain later


After switching the laptop back on,  we noticed that the BIOS reset itself as we no longer able to  boot into the Windows Installation Disk using the DVD drive as we did before.    

We also made sure that the screen setting was set to [PC screen only] as we suspected the user could have forgotten to reset the screen after running in [Duplicate] or “projector” mode.  Therefore, if the bare and exposed VGA port is dirty and active,  it might cause 'short circuiting',   disrupting the screen’s operation. 

How Do We Know if the Laptop is now Working?

We retraced back the step that we have taken before the screen flickered and went completely black.  One of the steps is to enter the Windows’ recovery mode from the sign-in screen where we would press and hold the  [Shift] key and restart the laptop by selecting [Restart] from the power button as shown attached.  Now the laptop performed this function without a hitch.


What is the Take Away?

a)  New and Modern Laptops not made for DIY users

1.  The new laptops, ACER in particular. are no longer made for DIY users as they have

a)  In-built the battery and no longer made it removable for troubleshooting;

b)  Concealed the RAMs and CMOS battery located underneath the motherboard making them not accessible for upgrading and repairing the laptops

c)  Not provide much information about how to troubleshoot the technical problem

Fortunate enough,  the ACER laptops have a small hole at the bottom where one can reset battery should there be a need to do so (Note that there is also a  small hole near the keyboard for ACER E5-474.  This is for microphone,  please do not insert any pin to damage the microphone)

b)  Confusing Keyboard Functions

Many function keys are provided for the convenient of the users at the touch of keys such as turning on and off the Wi-Fi,  changing the mode of screen display, turning on and off the touch pad and speaker etc.  For ACER laptop,  there is no warning sign or light to tell if these functions are turned on or off;  so,  an  active VGA port could well have caused the black and flickering screen if the VGA terminals are dirty

What Best To Do in Future?

Step by Step

(doubleclick to enlarge)
1.  Reactivating the screen
Try reactivate  the laptop by pressing F2,  F9, F10 and [Enter] keys in sequence.
Try also other methods as recommended by the Web including removing the battery or resetting the battery etc
Nothing can be done if the screen stays black
2.  Resetting  the BIOS
With the screen activated and laptop starting,  press [F2] key and then reset the BIOS to default value
Hopefully,  this will restore  all the settings
3.   Ensuring VGA port is turned off
By pressing [Fn] and [F5] key and select [PC Screen only]
4.  Cleaning up the VGA and other input/output ports
By using tooth brush and clean fluid such as WD40
Doing a spring cleaning to ensure dirty ports are not problem

Should we do a BIOS Replacement or Update?

It is never recommended unless one has other  problems with the laptop.  If the laptop is still working with hard disk humming and the keyboard responding, one would risk to “brick” the laptop by performing a BIOS update especially with a black screen.

What about re-installing the Windows?

This should be taken as a last resort as the installation will wipe out all the data store in the hard disk and recovery of such information might be a painful process.

To  Remove the CMOS battery?

Removing the CMOS battery will reset the BIOS.  However,   for new and modern Laptops,  this CMOS battery is located under the motherboard and is unreachable unless one is prepared to dismantle the laptop to unsolder the battery terminals.

What about Connecting VGA port to an External Monitor?

This should be one of the recommended steps to check if the laptop screen is working.  It can be done easily if one has an external monitor.  Should the external monitor have image or picture showing up after toggling [Fn] and [F5] keys,  it is likely that laptop screen is faulty.  On the other hand,  if both screens stay black,  the laptop would need further repair  and troubleshooting or a reset.

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Saturday, December 1, 2018

The One Chart that can Tell if a Market Crash is Coming

1 December 2018

If one were asked to select such a chart that can show if a Market Crash is coming,  which chart would you have chosen ?  Most likely,  the pick will be the chart that shows “Investors' Margin Debt”. 

Why ?

Individual and Institutional investors often borrow margin loans from their investment banks or stock brokers (Brokers) to back against their investment portfolios because margin loans have very high leverage;  for example,  one could controla $100,000 investment position with just $1,000 set aside in his account;  hence, many investors,  especially the Hedge Funds use this leverage to maintain and deliver their returns so as to justify their higher fees.

However,  this high leverage will attract a “margin call” which the Brokers will ask the investors to "top up" their account if  their account balances cannot cover the possible losses due to changes in market prices.   If such a margin call should occur, the opened positions may be forcefully closed by the Broker at very low market price.   As a result,  the investors could suffer huge financial losses.   So most margin investors will quickly react and  liquidate their positions all at about the same time and as soon as possible should they feel the  market pressure.   The investors' total margin debts or loans could "collapse" in matters of days when there is a “market avalanche”.  Its movement is very sensitive to a market crash and therefore,  can be used to monitor a market crash.

Example ?

Take the above chart for example.  The chart  shows the US Investors' margin debts or margin loans since 1995 as reported by FINRA,  the US Financial Industry Regulatory Authority.  In year 2000,  about USD$ 100 billions margin loans "disappeared" within 3 months and in 2008,  a total of about USD$75 billions just "evaporated" within weeks.  It was reported that one guy lost about  €1.6-billion margin loan within just a single day on December 6,  2008. 

Is This Going to Happen Soon?

Don’t think anyone would have the answer but it was reported on 21 November, 2018 that the US market suffered a “Lehman Style Plunge” in October 2018 where USD$40.5 billion margin loans have just "evaporated" in the thin air.    However,   there was no report yet about any individual losing huge amount of money.
Whether this sudden plunge will trigger a market avalanche will be anyone’s guess.  Nonetheless,  it is always good to monitor “ the US Investors' Margin Debt” for the possibility of a market crash and the Margin Debt Charts or Statistics could be used to monitor this situation.  

How to Monitor?

The “US Investors' Margin Debt” can be obtained from the following sources.  Should one see a similar pattern where investors are "losing huge amount of Margin Debts" in a single month,  one should take "cover" as soon as possible.

1.  Chart

2.  Statistic

Disclaimer:  This article is for information and  educational purposes.   Readers are advised to  conduct their own research and study to make their  own investment decisions.

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Saturday, November 17, 2018

"Selected items cannot be changed..protected by the browser"

17 November 2018  

Google Chrome runs much faster,  so we installed it.    After some time,  we found  Google Chrome running slower and slower and at times,  even  take ages to start up.  We investigated and  used CCleaner to clean up the extensions and plug-ins folder.  It gave us a  warning sign about "Some of the selected items cannot be changed as they are protected by the browser".


Google Chrome disallows 3rd party software to modify its settings.   

What are Extensions and Plug-in?

They are just add-ons to make the Browsers more powerful but at the same time,  the Browsers would have to start them when one opens the Browsers.  This slows down  the PC.   Extensions are extended part of the Browsers whereas Plug-ins are usually subprograms embedded or ready to be used  by the Browsers in the WebPages.  Some of these extensions and plug-ins are installed without the knowledge of the users.   To make Chrome runs faster,  the conventional wisdom is to remove or deactivate them.  In any case,  these extensions and plug-ins will be re-installed or can be installed from Webstore.

How to Deactivate or Delete?

Use Google Chrome  

1. What’s found in CCleaner?

1.   A list of Plug-ins in the Google Chrome folder

2.  Want to delete will give this warning sign

2.  To Resolve
1.  Startup Google Chrome

2.  In Google Chrome's  address box on top,  type in [chrome://apps]

The following Apps will show up

3.  Delete Unwanted Apps or Plug-ins
Right click the Apps and click [Remove] to delete as many apps as possible;  leaving only [Web store] behind.

4.  Delete Unwanted Extensions
1.  In Google Chrome's address box on top,  type in [chrome://extension]

2.  [Remove] or [deactivate] as many extensions as possible

Note:   One might still find the deactivated or deleted plug-ins and extension still in CCleaner.  It will be cleared when the memory caches are deleted.

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Thursday, November 15, 2018

Disabling Prefetch and Getting rid of RegSvr32 running problem To Make PCs Run Great Again

 14 November 2018

Simple Cleaning Process  to make PCs Running Great Again (Part2) - Disabling Prefetch and Getting rid of RegSvr32 running problem.

This part 2 goes further to clean up the PCs,  better than what can be done by  commercial cleaning programs such as CCleaner or other virus program. 

Section I  :   Disabling Prefetch and Superfetch Files

What are they?

They are simply Windows tools that are supposed to make PCs running faster.  It is often used during XP days but is still being used today in Windows 10.  

Programs that are frequently used but did not get started during Windows startup will be started up in the background automatically,  provided the Prefetch files to start the programs are stored in  [C:\windows\Prefetch]. 

SuperFetch is another feature of the Windows OS that determines which program can have its necessary files and data all loaded into the RAM memory to make programs run even faster.  

As programs can get started automatically,  it is often used by hackers or viruses as “back doors” to gain access to the PCs without user’s permission.

The Conventional Wisdom?

If one has Windows OS and program files installed in SSD drives,  the prefetch and superfetch functions are less useful;  one should disable these features by taking the following steps

1.  Disabling Prefetch
1.  Start up [Regedit] as Admin and navigate to [PrefetchParameters]  at the address shown on the top of the next picture and change the [EnablePrefetcher]’s value from [3] to [0]

2.  Disabling the SuperFetch
1.  Start up [Services] as Admin and navigate to [Superfetch Properties] as shown;
2.  Stop the operation of SuperFetch if it is running;
3.  In the dropdown box of [Startup type] ,  select [Disable]

If one is still using the ordinary mechanical hard disk drive, it is recommended to keep the  Prefetch and SuperFetch functions but do the cleaning up every month by deleting all the files in [C:\Widnows\Prefetch]  that are ending with [.pf].  These deleted files will be re-installed by those programs as they are in operation.

Section II:  Getting Rid of Running RegSVR

Those monitoring  their PCs using [Task Manager] might find that sometimes RegSvr or RegSvr32  kept running non-stop,  consuming lots of CPU time as shown in the attached. 

There was no  warning or notification.  Some said that it was caused by viruses;  others said that some OS files were missing.   Most solved the problem by installing virus programs while others simply  just deleted the RegSvr files from the PC,  which is not advisable.

This section II  will present one of the easy ways to identify  and get rid of the RegSvr  problem by using just Windows’  own programs.   The same method can also be used to identify and get rid of some viruses that kept buggering and consuming unnecessary CPU time.

What Happened ?

The PC is most likely infected by viruses;  if it is some OS file such as DLL files missing,  PCs will usually give some warnings.   These viruses often disguise themselves and try to gain access through the “back door” by registering the process and using the [Prefetch] function to start their operation.   In this case,  some files were found  missing and Windows could not register the program and kept trying.  

How To Resolve?

Task Manager can identify RegSvr is taking up much time but it can’t tell which program or virus is the  “culprit”.   Luckily,   Microsoft has a tool called “Process Monitor” or [ProcMon] where one can monitor the working of the various Window Processes.   This article will concentrate on how to use this tool to “catch the culprit”.

Where can I Download? 

From here  or here.

Step by Step Example of using [ProcMon]

(Click Picture to Enlarge)
1.  Starting up [ProcMon]

One would be greeted by the following screen which shows all the defaulted processes.  The screen will move so fast and there is no way to monitor the processes without setting up the [Filter]

2.  Setting up [Filter]
In the [Menu],  click [Filter] and then select [Filter] in the drop down list. 
The following screen will appear,  showing no less than 20 processes being monitored.  As we want only to monitor RegSvr,  a filter is required.

3,  What to Put in the [Filter]
1.  In the [Display entries matching…],  hit the first dropdown list and select [Process Name]

2.  In the 3rd dropdown list,  key in [RegSvr32.exe] to monitor only the RegSvr32 process.

3.  Uncheck all other defaulted processes

4. Click [Apply],  the [OK]
Observe the running event recording at the bottom of the screen,  the meter should run to indicate ProcMon is working properly.

If ProcMon detected that [RegSvr32.exe] has been used,  it will start to report the details
4.  How to know which is the virus?
1.  check the [result] and the [Details] columns of ProcMon.

2.  Identify which program started the RegSvr first and where is this program located

In this particular case,  RegSvr was requested by a Prefetch file called “”.  This one is highly suspicious to be a virus.  It is trying to use the back door to register the process.

2.  Goto the file address by right click the process and select [Jump To].   Try putting a  [.bak] at the back of filename.  However,  if it is a Registry address,  export the Registry by clicking [File] in the menu and select
[Export].  Save it in place with a file name so that one could restore it by [import] should anything were to happen.

If the Windows refused to allow modification of filename or deletion of  the registry key,  goto Q&A section for answer.
Note:  One could use  “WinPretchView” to study these prefetch files

5.  Restart the computer
Check if the problem has been resolved;  if not,  repeat step 3 and step 4
Look out for processes that have suspicious long names with all the unknown machine language especially those files found in the folder called “\[username]\AppData\Local\”;


1.  PC refused to let me rename the file or delete the Registry Keys
Two Ways
1. Tradition way
Safe boot Windows;  hopefully,  the file or Registry keys will not be used and can be deleted

2.  Complicated way
Take control of the file or the registry key.  Here is how to take control of the files

It is locked by Windows or the virus when it is using or making attempts to use the file.
2.  The problem still around
1.  Try other methods;
Viruses come in many forms;  not necessary all are using the same method to protect themselves.

After mastering the use of Task Manager and ProcMon,  one should have more confident to find other ways to tackle  the other viruses.

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