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Friday, July 30, 2021

NBA & WNBA Basketball Live

As there is very little traffic for this webpage.  The contents of this webpage will not be updated daily until further notice.  Thank you for visiting this webpage.

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Women NBA


Game Highlights & Replay

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NBA & WNBA Basketball  Schedule, Score Board and fixtures 

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Monday, July 26, 2021

How To Seal the Rubbish Chute Cover

What is a Rubbish Chute?

Those who stay in highrise apartment in public housing estates will know what is this.  Inside every highrise apartment,  there is usually a common rubbish chute or duct. The chute is for one to throw small rubbish items.

Why Sealing ?

It will depend on the design.  Some are of good designs like the one shown in the above picture.  It has very small gap.     It might be able to keep the pests like cockroach from invading our home.  Other design are not as good,   they could not be closed without leaving a gap in between the cover and the chute.

This picture below showed that the owner apparantly run of idea and decide to seal the edges of the rubber chute cover with duct tapes.  

Other owners decided to replace  their chute cover with better types.  This will cost them around  SGD300/=.  It will cost some cleaning up after the installation.

How Difficult to Seal the Cover?

It is very easy if one can use the following the step by step

A Completed Jobs Years ago

Misconception: Home is the Safest Place away from Covid

26 July 2021

Many people today are still having the thinking or view that home is the safest place on earth to be away from Covid.

This is true when one is living alone without any interaction with any other people. This is especially true when one is staying in a remote home faraway from visitors. This is also true when one has no interaction with the outside World. It is not true otherwise.


Human is careless. This is true especially when they are at home. They will remove all their guards. Guards about wearing mask and keep safe distances away from other people. They become lazy and never wash their hands as often. They will never think that they will get in contact with Covid-19 when they are at home.

How Do We Get Covid at home?

It has to be from outside the home. But once Covid is home, it will be everywhere. It will become one invisible family member.

We will always invite Covid home unknowingly. This is when we or our family members did not observe the rules to keep away these invisible "creatures". This is especially true if we are not controlling our children to observe also these rules.

What are these Rules?

First, and the most important rule is to remove our shoes and then sanitize our hands before we open the door. The second thing to do is to remove our mask and dispose it properly. After that, we should wash our hands throughoutly with soap and water.

This should be followed by cleaning ourselves such as taking a shower and changing our clothing.

Don't forget to sanitize everything you brought home, including sanitizing your shoes.

Finally, remember to wash our hands, again and again after and every time when we handle anything we brought home or enters our doors. This includes using soapy water cloth to clean the surfaces of packages we bought from Supermarkets, mails, small packets and parcels that we get through mail.

What about Children?

We should always assume our Children especially the school going kids will bring Covid home. We should make sure they will learn how to follow the same rules.

What if one has already vaccinated ?

Vaccination can only help to prevent Covid infection. Vaccination is not offering 100% protection. Human will have antibody against Covid after the vaccination. Whether one will get infected will depend much on one's physical condition. It is about whether our body can produce enough antibodies to protect us. We should never assume we will safe from Covid.

In conclusion

Never assume you are safe from the invisible Covid. This is also true after you have been vaccinated

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games

This site will contain a collection of the daily live video of the interesting basketball,  football and other games to be played or played in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.  It will try to give a list a games that will be screened live for information.

Note that the time of the game shown everywhere in this page is Eastern New York Time.

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   [Site for Olympic Football games] 

Basket Ball




Game Schedules

Note 1:  As the schedule changes very fast.  Please refer to this google page for more information

The 3x3 Basket Ball Schedule

The News Report Said Pfizer's Efficacy is only 39% Against Delta

25 July 2021

Recently,  many major newspapers were reporting about the 39% efficacy for the Pfizer vaccine against the Delta variant
But there were no links provided for the sources. They all have one thing in common, they all pointed at  Israel's Health Ministry. Lets pop over to the Ministry's webpage to find out.

The Israel Health Ministry Webpages

There are 2 Israel Health Ministry webpages about  Covid.  One is the dashboard in  Hebrew &  English;  the other is the Ministry main page, also in Hebrew & English  

A copy of the English news section is shown here.

But,   we could not find any relevant information or announcement for the 39% efficacy report on Pfizer.   What we found is a report about the 64% efficacy report on page 2. That was in 6 July.

Where Exactly is the Source?

We managed to find a source finally.  It was circulated among the twitters as shown here 

This source looks very legitimate.   It has the logo of the Israel's Ministry of Health with the title written in Hebrew.   It even gave detailed about the methods & also other information. It also has a table to show the efficacies for varies outcomes. Also shown is the upper & lower confidence level (cl).   But this information is not from the public domain of Israel's Health Ministry.

What's the Problem?

If one were to examine the page in detail,   one could find the following problems:- 
1.  The period was for 20 June to 17 July;  a total period of only 4 weeks;
2.  It referred to a method pointing at a Lancet report dated 15 May 2021.
3.  Its header was completely different from the header used by Israel Health Ministry. But the logo was the same though.

What's Wrong?

1.  The period of 4 weeks is too short; the Lancet report was for 4 months between January 2021 to April 2021;
3.   Unlike the last report about 64% efficacy,  one could not find any announcement made by the Israel's Health Ministry;4.  The headers are not same.

Possible Delay in Israel Ministry's news

We can wait a while for the Israel's Ministry to make an announcement just like before in 7 July for the 64% efficacy.  But it would appear that this is unlikely.

Any Reaction from WHO or Reputable Authorities?

So far they did not make any comment about the news report either on this 39% efficacy or the 64% efficacy on the Pfizer.   There could be 2 reasons.

1.   The methods or standards used are  not acceptable ones.  There are only the following 2 standards acceptable today;
a)  The standard vaccine trial tests done for at least 30,000 patients, divided into 2 groups;  the vaccine & the placebo group;
b)   The Randomized Control  Trial (RCT) done under similar kind of controlled environment;
The acceptable methods or standards will minimize as much as possible the variables affecting the efficacy calculation;
In the Israel Health Ministry's explanation note on 7 July, the Ministry clearly pointed out their calculation is based on "occurence per time-person by comparing the vaccinated and unvaccinated people". In other words, it is an estimate under the real World situation and not under the controlled environment. There results would contain lots of unknown and variables. The Israel's Health Ministry in its explanation note clarified that it was about vaccine effectiveness and not vaccine efficacy. Here is what exactly they've said:

2.  Their own experts did not believe such test reports

What Differences Between Efficacy & Effectiveness?

Efficacy is about how the vaccine or drug performed under a controlled environment.  On the other hand,  effectiveness is about how they performed under the real World. 

Effectiveness measurement will differ under varying environments and for different kinds of people. 

There will not be another efficacy measurement of efficacy for any vaccine unless there is a requirement. It must be performed under a controlled environment and not in real World.

Added Note: 3rd August 2021

US CDC compiled a list of 24 Scientific & Technical papers of the vaccines available in the US.   There were about 7 papers from Israel. None from the Israel's Health Ministry. These papers from Israel did not even mention about the Ministry's findings.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Concacaf Gold Cup 2021

As there is very little response. This page will not be updated until further notice. 

Friday, July 15 (EST) ; Saturday , July 16(HKT)

Guadeloupe vs. Jamaica
July 15, 6:30 pm EST
July 16,  6:30 am HKT
Suriname vs. Costa Rica
July 15, 8:30 pm EST
July 16, 8:30 am HKT

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2.  Video is in FHD.  If PC/mobile  unable to play, try other players or use Alternate Site.    

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Game Highlights & Replay
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Concacaf Gold Cup; Schedule, Score Board and fixtures 

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iPhone and iPad: How to Create a Short Cut in Home Screen to Clear Cache & History

23 November 2024 What are Cache and History? Cache and browser history store information about websites you've visited.  The C ache s to...