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Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Interesting Notes About the US Election 2020

15 December 2020

United States has a Presidential election on 3 November 2020.  It was  an election between Mr. Joe Biden and Mr. Donald Trump.   Some estimated that more than 150 million Americans had voted. The turn out was one the most in recent American history. Many said the large turn out  was because of  Donald Trump.

The initial vote counts indicated Joe Biden was the winner.   He had 290 electoral vote and Trump had only 232.  Also,  Joe Biden had 80 millions vote count and Trump, around 70 millions.

There were many lawsuits about frauds in the election.  Some suits was lodged as early as 6 November.  The Pro-Trump group and Trump Campaign Teams submitted no less than  50 lawsuits.   The Courts rejected almost all of them.    

Trump’s lawyer team, led by  Mr. Rudy Giuliani also  filed lawsuits.   They were also not quite successful.    Ms Sidney Powell, a private lawyer, helped to lodge a suit around end of November in the court of Georgie County.  Her  request for decertification of election result was denied by the Court.   But,  the Court accepted her other requests,   such as  carrying out a  forensic study on the voting machines.  Also granted by  the Court was the scrutinizing of CCTV video footage on the night of the ballot counting.   Sidney also filed lawsuits later in the Courts of Michigan, Arizona, and Wisconsin.  She had almost the same results. 

The alleged frauds were mostly about the misuse of the electronic voting machines.  The suits were also about the fraudulous votes in the mail-in ballots. While  little or no evidence were found in the mail-in ballots, there were good progress made in the findings of the forensic studies.  

The result of the  forensic study carried out at Antrim County of Michigan found its way to the 13th Circuit Court on 14 December 2021. This Circuit Court had scheduled a Trial to be  held sometime next April 2021. Understand the Arizona Senate Judiciary Chairman had announced the authorization of a full forensic audit on Arizona’s voting machines and software.

All of a suddenly, the World Wide Web was full of many stories about the frauds found in voting machines.  One of them is shown here.


Understand the Electoral College has affirmed Biden’s win.  The next in the process is to send the result of the Electoral College's Vote  to the House for further processing.   The House and Senate will  debate and vote again if there is one House Representative submit his objection in writing.  As there is trial pending in the 13th Circuit Court,   the members of the House & Senate might want to consider to wait for the Court's result if so permitted under the US Constitution.

Disclaimer:  This article is a short summary of what were reported or posted in Twitter and other MSM.                      The information might not have been verified.

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