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Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Coronavaccine Really Works?

 2 June 2021

This question was always in some people's mind.  We are hearing people saying "You can bluff and lie,  Covid-19 will prove you wrong"  

In this article,  lets explore some real World cases using graphs and data from Our World Data.

Cases in United Kingdom & United States

We heard many stories about how UK and US have tamed Covid-19.  These 2 countries have relaxed their Covid-19 protection guidelines. They are no longer insisting their residents to wear mask under certain conditions. They are also relaxing the social gathering & distancing rules. 

Lets examine their vaccination rate and infection rate to-date in these 2 charts.   If the vaccine is effective,  it will definitely help to bring down the infection rate

a) Daily COVID-19 vaccinations administered per 100 people

 Visit here for more charts and information

 b)  Daily new confirmed COVID-19 cases per million people

  Visit here for more charts and information

Unfortunately,  it is hard to digest the above chart because they are in different scales.  Lets superimpose the 2 charts and bring them in line as shown in the following chart


One could immediately see that in the case of UK and US,  the vaccine has brought down infection rates. The infection rate was a high of over 600-800 case per million people in early Jan 2021. Now it is only 40 cases per million people in Jun 2021 which is a 93% cut.  This is despite UK and United States have reduced the of vaccination rate about 2 to 3 months ago. They cut the rate in March to April 2021 from 80-90 per 100 people  to the present rate of less than 30 per 100 people in US.

In Conclusion

One can say that vaccine does work to bring down the Covid-19 infection rate as far as UK and US are concerned.  On how long this will  continue to work  will depend how fierce will be the coronavirus variants.  Science is telling us that virus will always mutate. They will mutate into a new kind of virus that will resist existing vaccines. 

In here, one can find out what brands of vaccines used in various countries. The webpage contains an interactive chart, providing some information about the vaccine brands. 

Doubleclick here or the picture for interactive chart

Update: 10 June 2021

Here is a better way to compare the effectiveness of vaccines being deployed in various countries.   Not all vaccines are equally effective.  Some can tame Covid-19.  Some are struggling even without the attack of new variants which are more vicious and infectious. 


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