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Thursday, October 21, 2021

Latest Update of Singapore's Covid-19 Charts

Updated Daily from 20 October 2021

MOH  resumed publishing Covid data by vaccination status again in early October after a brief stop in September.  This time,  they concentrate on reporting the data for hospitalization and severely sick patients.  The latest data are shown by vaccination status in terms of vaccinated(V) and Not-Fully-Vaccinated (NFV).   

This article will resume tracking the vaccine effectiveness.  The charts will be updated daily. 

1)  Vaccination Rates

2)  Attack Rate for Hospitalisation

This chart shows the Hospitalisation attack rates of vaccinated(V) and the Not-Fully-Vaccinated (NFV)The data is extracted from MOH's chart. The rate is worked out based on this formula

The chart shows the % of people who are hospitalised after having exposed to Covid-19. The right axis shows the ratio between vaccinated and not fully vaccinated.  The attack rate assumes:

1.  The population of NFV excluded those whose age is less than 12 years old (the minors) and also,  their infection figures adjusted to reflect the same.  The population of the minors is about 250,000;
2.  Those having infected will have natural immunity and 40% of them are NFV

3)  Attack Rate for Patients in O2 or ICU Beds 

Similar to Chart 1 but for patients who are severely sick requiring O2 support or ICU beds.

The chart shows the % of people who become severely sick after having been exposed to Covid-19. The right axis shows the ratio between vaccinated and not fully vaccinated.

4)  Full-Doses Vaccine Effectiveness for hospitalised & those required O2 & ICU )

This chart works out the Full-Doses' vaccine effectiveness for those who are severely sick & in O2 or ICU beds. It uses the data extracted from MOH's chart. The effectiveness is worked out based on the same formula in this wiki.
The chart shows that Fully Vaccinated people have more than 80% chances of avoiding hospitalisation & 90% chances of becoming severely sick as compared to Not Fully Vaccinated people.

Note 1:  The sudden dip could have been caused by spikes and delays in testings
Note 2:  The Chart was split to show ICU(unstable) & ICU(critical)  on 30 October 2021.

5)  Booster-Dose Vaccine Effectiveness for hospitalised & those required O2 & ICU ) 

This chart works out the Booster-Dose's vaccine effectiveness who are severely sick & in O2 or ICU beds. It uses the data extracted from MOH's chart.
The chart shows that people with Booster-Dose have more than 95% chances of avoiding hospitalisation & severely sick as compared to Not Fully Vaccinated people.

Note 1:  MOH's started to provide booster shot information on severely sick patients from 6 October 2021
Note 2:  The Chart was split to show ICU(unstable) & ICU(critical)  on 30 October 2021.

6)  Infection Number vs Hospitalisation/Dead  Numbers
This chart shows the number of Infections vs Hospitalisation published by Singapore MOH.   If the infection is due to new waves,  hospitalisation figures will usually rise in tandem.

7)  Number of Deceased
This chart shows the number of deceased as published by Singapore MOH

8)  Imported as % of Local Cases

The imported cases have cropped up the end of December 2021.  This  chart shows the import cases as % of local cases

9)  Weekly Infection Growth Rate

This Chart from MOH Singapore shows how serious is the spreading of the infection and if the infection spread has been controlled.  If the growth rate is less than 1.0,  it will mean that the infection spread has slowed down.

10)  % of people severely sick and Dead according to Vaccination Status 

This MOH Singapore chart shows the % of people becoming severely sick (Requiring O2 support and ICU) and Dead after having exposed to Covid infection.   For the period (1 May to 31 Oct 2021as shown in this MOH webpage

11)  Daily new Cases and Case Fatality Rate (CFR)

Our World in Data has published 2 useful comparison charts that will tell how serious is the present pandemic in various countries.  These 2 chart shows the situation in ASEAN Countries.   It will be less worrying if a country has very high new Cases but very low CFR especially when the country has a lot of new asymptomatic cases.  This is presently the case in Singapore.


1.  MOH Twitter

2.  Covid-19 Situation Report (Summary)

3.  Covid-19 Situation Report (Detail)

4.  News Highlight (Daily)

5.  Statistic

6.  Download MOH Singapore Data

a)  Raw from MOH/


b)  Extracted

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