22 May 2021
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Note: These are interactive charts displayed with courtesy of ourworldindata.org. They are extracted and embed here for easy reference. User can "Add Country" to change the country name etc to get the required information
1) The percentage of population receiving at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine
This data is significant because it indicates if a country is able to contain the spread of the virus. To contain the spread, adequate number of people must be vaccinated. This number in % of total population is often referred to as the threshold of herd immunity. This is the level where one can expect the spread of disease will start to decline. Different diseases have different threshold of herd immunity. For Covid-19, this level has not been established yet. But many experts believe it to be around 60% to 75%. For Polios & smallpox, it was 80% to 86% and for measles, 92%-95%.
The 1st dose figure is more significant than full dose figures. Some have been quoting vaccination in terms of per million people. This figure unfortunately could not tell if a country is in a position to stop the spread of the virus.
This chart is the vaccination rate among ASEAN countries
2. Daily COVID-19 vaccinations administered per 100 people
This figure is important as it shows what is the present day vaccination rate. A lower figure will take the country longer time to reach the threshold of herd immunity which is around 60%-80%.
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3. COVID-19 vaccine doses administered
This is a good to have chart to find out how many doses have been administered in a country. The country with higher population will show a higher number. It will not show if the threshold of herd immunity has been reached and the country is safe from infection.
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4. Daily new confirmed COVID-19 cases
This figure are often used to judge if there is a reduction in the rate of infection. However, this figure is not quite significant. It could not also tell if the control measures are effective. This is because there are too many variable in the real World..
back to top 5. Daily new confirmed COVID-19 cases per million people
Similar to daily new confirmed COVID-19 cases, this figure is important to get a sensation feeling but not quite significant. Good to know how country is doing. With the information of % vaccine doses given, one can also tell roughly if their vaccines were working to control covid-19.
back to top 6. Daily new confirmed COVID-19 deaths per million people
Similar to daily new confirmed COVID-19 cases, this figure is important to get a sensation feeling but not quite significant. Good to know how country is doing. With the information of % vaccine doses given, one can also tell roughly if their vaccines were working to control covid-19.
back to top7. Number or % infected having full vaccination
This figure is quite important and significant. It might be able to tell how effective is the vaccine deployed by each country. Unfortunately, this figure is not easily available. This is because the figure will not help as many people vaccinated as possible.
back to top8. The Growth Rate in % Against the Average
This figure is also important. It will tell whether a country has been successful in implementing its vaccination program. The % of people vaccinated will always decline with time. There will come a time when people will loose interest. Either they have been vaccinated or they do not believe in vaccine. For example, Hong Kong's vaccination rate has come down lately. It is not healthy if the city has rising case of infection in the early days; fortunately, this is not the case. This kind of information is not easily available.
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Note: These are interactive chart with courtesy of ourworldindata.org. They are extracted and embed here for easy reference. User can "Add Country" to change the country name etc to get the required information
9. Cumulative Numbers of Infected People and of those having taken Full Dose
This numbers are important because one can use it to work out the attack rate for the selected window as shown in the example of how to determine the vaccine efficacy
a) The Cumulative Number of Infected People
b) Total number of People having taken Full Dose